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  1. Well, I went into a Telstra store to pay a phone bill (Not sure if places other than Australia have Telstra???) and I was rushing slightly because I was meeting up with family to watch a movie not long afterwards. So I've handed over the money, and the worker there was handing me the receipt. Now, this is about where my brain decided to stuff up on me, and didn't want to aim my arm properly. Next thing I know, my hand hurts, the computer monitor at the desk is shaking, and the workers there were laughing at me. Turns out I accidentally punched a computer monitor at a communication service provider store. I was laughing and apologising profusely until I just stopped and ran out of the store. So yeah, that happened to me.
  2. It is really great that I'm getting so many people and locations on this forum willing to help me. Thank you, and everyone, for your help!
  3. This is really helpful, thank you.
  4. Thanks for all of these replies, and to answer your questions, my real issue is that I'm not sure if there's a specific thrust:payload ratio that I should follow. Is there a specific amount of thrust I should creat to a ton? And how do I factor in the fuel? I hope this helps, and if not, please tell me. I don't want to leave you all in the dark.
  5. Thanks for that, I'll look into the thread the next time I'm playing.
  6. Hey to all you smart people, I've began to realize that I'm awful at building rockets. Does anyone have any tips to building effective rockets? (In dumb language, please. I'm not all that smart when it comes to space travel.)
  7. People seem to talk a lot about different techniques, but as I learn about KSP, as I'm sure a lot of people are on this forum thread, I realise that sometimes, the best way to work something out is to just stop. Take 5 and calm down. This game can sometimes be enraging, especially when you are learning the ropes. Try not to let yourself get too success-crazy, because you won't get most things right the first time. Don't forget; this is a game, and games are meant to be fun.
  8. Constructive criticism for a noob? I've put in a link to the photo because my internet connection doesn't feel like playing nice.
  9. Jebediah Didn't Die On Tylo As of last Tuesday, you would have noticed that there were no unusual pieces of debris falling from the sky, creating giant fireballs. Well, there is a reason to the interruption to this age-old tradition, and that reason is because it was a celebration of a success, created by the Kerbin Space Program. According to the head janitor of the Kerbin Space Center's mother, there were talks going on between the staff of the KSC regarding a trip to Tylo. Little did we know that by the time we had heard about this, Jebediah Kerman had already defied all Kerbal-Kind logic; he kept enough focus to actually complete a mission. But, this wasn't any mission. This was a mission to Tylo. The mission was completed with what KSC rocket scientists describe as "A few pieces that Jeb found while he was washing behind his ears". We are still unsure what they mean by these "ears", but our sources tell us that the scientists are "just being petty and don't want us to know anything". Jeb returned from this mission in style, by landing back on Kerbin, and destroying the Command Pod in a major explosion. He later stated in an interview, "I got bored". We are excited to hear more details, but it is currently too early to guess without speculation arising.
  10. Jebediah Didn't Die On Tylo As of last Tuesday, you would have noticed that there were no unusual pieces of debris falling from the sky, creating giant fireballs. Well, there is a reason to the interruption to this age-old tradition, and that reason is because it was a celebration of a success, created by the Kerbin Space Program. According to the janitor of the Kerbin Space Center, there were talks going on between the staff of the KSC regarding a trip to Tylo. Little did we know that by the time we had heard about this, Jebediah Kerman had already defied all Kerbal-Kind logic; he kept enough focus to actually complete a mission. But, this wasn't any mission. This was a mission to Tylo. The mission was completed with what KSC rocket scientists describe as "A few pieces that Jeb found while he was washing behind his ears". We are still unsure what they mean by these "ears", but our sources tell us that the scientists are "just being petty and don't want us to know anything". Jeb returned from this mission in style, by landing back on Kerbin, and destroying the Command Pod in a major explosion. He later said in an interview, "I got bored". We are excited to here more details, but it is currently too early to guess without speculation arising. Word count: 220
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