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Found 4 results

  1. Hello everyone! We had a blast doing this contest and we are so happy to see the response of the community. We had 93 article entries and they were all increidible and, although it wasn't possible, we would've loved to put them all in the magazine. So before we say anything else we just want to give a huge shout-out to all participants, we really enjoyed reading through all of the articles and we encourage you to do so, too, by visiting this thread. You won't regret it. Yesterday we closed the poll of the contest and we contacted all winners to let them know they were chosen by the community. And the are winners are... (drum rolls...) ... How Do Astronauts Wear Their Helmets? by @Angel-125 Can Jeb Fly? by @Acea KSC releases report of hopeful exoplanet by @Cpone IS JEBEDIAH KERMAN AN IMPOSTOR? by @leoc1108 These authors will have their article will be published in The Kerbal Chronicles, will get themselves kerbalized by our Lead Artist, along with their own chosen or designed flag in a Shapeways exclusive and one of kind figurine, and have a name they choose included as astronauts in Kerbal Space Program,as well as getting a special printed limited edition of The Kerbal Chronicles. Congratulations! We want to also congratulate these authors, whose articles were among the most voted 10 (yes, there was a tie) and will also get a special printed limited edition of The Kerbal Chronicles. A Kerbal’s Tale by @root NEW PROBE CORE UNVIELED! IS THIS THE END OF CREWED SPACEFLIGHT? by @Kuzzter Why do the Rockets Boom? by @Mr. Me INTRA-ORGANIZATION SPACE RACE DEVELOPS AS TWO ASTRONAUTS STEAL MUN ROCKET by @GregroxMun Surprise Proposal Stuns World! by @Just Jim Jebediah Kerman Resting Comfortably After Risky Attributectomy by @JonathanPerregaux Rocket Program Saved by Invention of Life-Saving Technology by @The_Rocketeer The Kerbal Chronicles will be available digitally to everyone, but only these four winners will see their own articles featured, along, of course, with their names as authors. Thank you all for participating!
  2. Humans are and have always been explorers, regardless of our ethnicity or cultural origin. We all share some underlying traits such as our unquenchable curiosity, our ingenuity and our will to go further and beyond. That is how we were able to venture out of Africa and populate every corner of the world, but that wasn't enough for us, and in the past 60 years we have expanded the grasp of our reach to the ultimate frontier...space. This venture has united us as human beings, and requires the expertise of all fields of science and the collective effort of all nations. At KSP HQ, we deeply believe in this venture. As a multicultural team, we have always tried our best to bring the experience to everyone and inspire future explorers. That is the reason why we started a massive undertaking to localize Kerbal Space Program in four more languages: Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Russian and Spanish. We want to decrease language barriers and let more people enjoy the Kerbal experience in their native tongue. Each language was carefully localized so it keeps the humor and charm of the English version. Keyboard layouts, UI and textures were also modified to please local players of each region To give you an idea of the scope of this endeavor, the game has around 4,000,000 lines of code that had to be carefully revised to start cataloging all the aspects that needed to be localized and addressed. We translated more than 82,000 words, created 456 images for textures and UI, prepared 684 slides for the KSPedia and everything was carefully revised by a team of more than 20 dedicated volunteers. This venture is not over yet, though. In the next two weeks we will pre-release this update to let players start playing in their native language and in the process, help us polish the final details of the localization effort to ensure a high quality experience to all KSP players. The KSP community has always been an essential part of the game, so we are grateful and honored to keep counting on your support. By doing this, we’ll be able to use more resources on other projects in development, while simultaneously continue with localization on a steady pace. The Localization Pack pre-release will come out on March 16th, and as always, you will be able to provide us with your invaluable feedback via our bugtracker. But that is not all, we’ve decided to celebrate this release by announcing The Kerbal Chronicles Contest. Be a space article reporter for a day! To participate, you must write a satirical/parody/comedy article for our space race-themed magazine, The Kerbal Chronicles. As we are getting four new languages, we consider it proper to have four winners from anywhere in the world. The best four, selected by our community, will win the following prizes: Prizes For the four winners: Their article will be published in The Kerbal Chronicles. Winners will get themselves kerbalized by our Lead Artist, along with their own chosen or designed flag in a Shapeways exclusive one of kind figurine, which will be delivered to your home. Have their names – or a name they choose – to be included as astronauts in Kerbal Space Program, available worldwide. A special printed limited edition of The Kerbal Chronicles. The first 10 runner-ups will get a special printed limited edition of The Kerbal Chronicles. The Kerbal Chronicles will be available digitally to everyone, but only these four winners will see their own articles featured, along, of course, with their names as authors. Rules Everyone in the world can participate! Please use proper language (suitable for all ages). The article must have a title and be between 200 and 300 words in length. The article must be set in the Kerbal universe. To participate, you will have to post your article in this forum thread. We will let our community decide for their favorite article via a poll. Important dates The last day to submit your article is March 13, 2017. A poll will be open in the forums on March 14, 2017… everyone can vote! Winners will be announced on March 15, 2017 (one day before pre-release). On March 17, 2017, the magazine will be available digitally. But that is not all! We have more exciting news coming soon, so stay tuned! And next time, we’ll make sure to hype up those future announcements even more!
  3. Incredible! We received 93 article entries and we couldn't be happier! We can't express enough gratitude to everyone who participated and sumbmitted articles. They were all fantastic, but unfortunately they were too many and we had to choose the best 30 articles based on originality, humor, epic character, quality of the article and our own criteria. But now is your turn to choose the winners! You can vote for your favorites here! These are the finalists:
  4. Jô- Today, we are going to talk with Jebediah Kerman, the first kerbal to walk in Laythe and see Jool with his own eyes. So Jebediah how was your trip ? Tell a little for us. Jeb- There it had an amazing view, I really enjoyed the mission, theres just one problem... Jô- What problem ? Jeb- That spent a lot of time, its very difficult to wait, mainly because I was alone Jô- How much time do you expent ? Jeb- 2 years and 73 days, was a lot of time Jô- I agree, in my case, I cant wait too much time, probably I would become crazy. Jeb-Yes, you have to be patient, and have self control Jô- How much money have you earned ? Jeb- I have not earned any money, I did the mission just by the pleasure and fun. Jô- Wow ! Thats amazing, you are very brave and committed, congratulations. Jeb- Thank you Jô- Now, tell for us about the view, how was it ? Jeb- That was amazing, like anything you have never seen. Jô- You never saw anything so green ? Haha Jeb- Yes, Jool is the greenest thing you will ever see. Jô- What abou Laythe, there was like kerbin ? Jeb- Its very similar, except the water, it smells like pee (Laughs) Jô- Someday do you want to return to Laythe Jeb- Yes, and in the next time with more persons, and maybe build a base there, I can talk with Von Kerman to design one. Jô- Ok folks, that was Jebediah Kerman, thank you, and see you next time ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jô- Hoje vamos conversar com Jebediah Kerman, o primeiro kerbal a andar em Laythe e ver Jool com os próprios olhos. Então, Jebediah, como foi a sua viagem? Conte um pouco para nós. Jeb-Lá tinha uma vista fantástica, eu realmente gostei da missão, há apenas um problema ... Jô- Que problema? Jeb- Que passou muito tempo, é muito difícil esperar, principalmente porque eu estava sozinho Jô- Quanto tempo você gastou? Jeb- Demorou 2 anos e 73 dias, foi muito tempo Jô- Concordo, no meu caso, não consigo esperar muito tempo, provavelmente me tornaria louco. Jeb-Sim, você tem que ser paciente, e ter auto-controle Jô- Quanto dinheiro você ganhou? Jeb- Eu não ganhei nenhum dinheiro, eu fiz a missão apenas pelo prazer e diversão. Jô- Uau! Isso é incrível, você é muito corajoso e comprometido, parabéns. Jeb- Obrigado Jô- Agora, diga para nós sobre a vista, como foi? Jeb- foi incrível, é uma coisa como você nunca verá Jô- Você nunca viu nada tão verde? Haha Jeb- Sim, Jool é a coisa mais verde que você jamais verá. Jô- Quanto a Laythe, lá é como kerbin? Jeb- É muito semelhante, exceto a água, ela tem cheiro de xixi (Risos) Jô- Algum dia você quer voltar para Laythe ? Jeb- Sim, e na próxima vez com mais pessoas, e talvez construir uma base lá, eu posso conversar com Von Kerman para projetar uma. Jô- Ok gente, esse foi Jebediah Kerman, obrigado, e te vejo na próxima vez !
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