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Posts posted by Hajii

  1. Ok - So I'm not totally sure if this is the correct place to ask the question, but I'm wondering if it's possible to use mechjeb to transfer from Mun/Minmus to other planets such as Duna. I've tried using advanced transfer and transfer but it's a no go. The target has to be within the gravitational influence of Kerbin. Am I missing another option or is it just not possible with the mod? Oh and yes I know I could do it manually... I'm just not there yet.


  2. Absolutely love your stuff Raptor9. Your designs actually helped get me hooked on the game again after about a year. One quick question... Is there anywhere I can download all your .craft files at once instead of one by one? That would be a huge help. I'm a business traveler and I play Kerbal in my downtime. I'm just trying to prep my laptop for the next trip.


    Thank you for being awesome!

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