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Everything posted by kermand

  1. Sweet! Thank you. exactly. i used "soriddo" because more people can get it than 固体. the "do" stands for "way of" as in kendo, bushido, judo... so, ソリッド・ロケット・ブースタ道, because sitting on a pile of explosives you wont be able to turn off or control whatsoever in the hope it will get you to space is more than just technology. It's a way of life. one could also get creative and write it 固体補助推進装置道, which would be quite badass writen on a board at the entrance of the space center.
  2. I was taught otherwise, somewhere else in this forum. Keep the TWR to 1.5 while letting gravity and drag turn the ship, all the way and then reduce even more to get a beautiful, round orbit. And it works incredibly well. The only problem is it keeps you busy throttling down.
  3. I have been starting a new carreer campaign, and had much fun using only SRBs for my first stage, and sometimes for my second stage too. I realized it was dirt cheap, that launches required less involvement (no more throttling down while monitoring the TWR, because, hey, you just can't). So far, all my satellites, probes, all my manned Kerpollo program has been put into orbit with clusters of SRBs instead of the usual mainsail + alpha expensive first stage. It works. And it's cheap. The downside is you can't expect to have a neat 75.000m by 75.000m orbit in the end. More like 150.000 by 180.000. But i found this to be no big deal for any mission so far inside the Kerbin system. The reason i am sharing this is i would like to turn this art into a science. So far i have been setting my throttle ratio at launch time, amount of fuel and inclination on the launch pad by eyeballing and trial error approach. Have anyone used this approach and come with a way to make succesful launches repeatable and predictable ?
  4. What does the "result" column represent ? Is it the altitude reached by the rocket when fired verticaly ? I suspect a curved trajectory, as in a gravity turn which is what should be done, would have a lot of influence on the result by having your rocket stay longer in the atmosphere. Also, your TWR setting is the TWR at launch time, right ? Rockets TWR increases as they burn their fuel, this is why it is recommended to throttle down as you go up (obviously, not possible with SRBs).
  5. I don't think kerbals reproduce sexualy, and therefore have no romantic involvements. I imagine them disseminating spores in orbit of white dwarf stars, so that they get dispersed to other galaxies when the star turns supernova.
  6. I like to use KAS and build my rovers on site. If you think ahead and cut your design in pieces manageable by one or two kerbals ( < 2 tons ) you can carry the rover in a streamlined shape, land it without a sky crane and rearrange the pieces once there. I usually assemble my bases with huge cranes I build this way. For nthe counter weights, I use ore tanks Bille Kerman can carry when empty, fix them to the back of the crane and fill them. And here you get a crane able to lift 20 tons without tiping, hand made! KAS also comes very handy to put back on their wheels rover less than 1 ton when they tip over. Another approach I used successfully was inspired from Mars Pathfinder: using infernal robotics, you can put your rover in a box, have it land quite roughly on difficult terrain, fall on any side but get back on the correct orientation when it opens. It's still a sky crane design, but much less delicate to land.
  7. Is there a mod that replaces stock engines with engines that use the kind of propellant you can find in mods like Real Fuels (liquid hydrogene, liquid oxygen in place of Fuel and Oxydizer, or hydrazine in place of Monopropellant) ? I thought Real Fuels would do that, but it provides only the fuel tanks, not different engines (or am i doing it wrong ?) Also, i heard mods like Kerbalism or Realism Overhaul can do this, but they come with many other functionalities I don't want. If possible, I want only the engines. The main reason is I am contemplating to start a new carreer campaign using, among other mods, Interstellar Extended. KSPI-E lets you use real fuels in top tier engines and provides ISRU solutions for extracting them, but you have to start your carreer with stock engines, fuel and oxydizer. It somewhat feels cheap until you do the transition, and requires having double the number of ISRU facilities in order to provide both kind of fuel (Which is in no way a criticism of KSPI-E).
  8. Today i lost 4 brave kerbonauts to the silly mistake of forgeting the night is 3 Kerbin days long on the mun while playing with a life support mod. By the time i realized my new munar settlement would be out of solar energy for 18 hours with only 1 hour of energy storage, it was too late. The closest rescue ship was orbiting Minmus and the one i sent from Kerbin did not make it in time. When the rescuer found them, they had died of exposure, their lovely kerbal smiles frozen for eternity. Rest in peace Bill, Valentina and the two others whose name i forgot. Your flags have been placed near the launch pad, along Jebediah's, the only victim martyr of our space program so far, who thought it would be a good idea to board an intercontinental missile in order to get a sample of the far away tundra biome. Your bravery shall not be forgotten. So say we all.
  9. Thanks for making my point. 3 terrier gives you the thrust you need and weight less than a poodle. In certain cases, the lack of isp is made up with the reduction of your engine mass. In certain case, not so. Hence the importance of doing the math or checking with KER. I might be mistaken, but i consider the net TWR of engines to be not very useful information, especialy in the case of first stages, where the mass of engines is usually negligible compared to the mass of fuel+payload. What counts if the total TWR of your ship.
  10. 1 - don't bother with asparagus in career mode unless you use a mod for stage recovery. It's just too damn expensive to throw away your engines as you go up. 2 - In career, single first stage with 3500 dV, an adequate control wheel, a probe and chutes are kings. While not beeing the most efficient use of your fuel, it is the most efficient use of your funds. Leave your payload in LKO, make a full revolution around Kerbin, fire retrograde and land gracefully near the KSP. Recovering 95% of your huge engines in the first stage can easily half the price of any mission, making the profits skyrocket, if i may say so. 3 - clusters of smaller engines are often better than the biggest ones, and more flexible as you can choose the size of your cluster. Try to do the math to see which combination fits your needs. Plus, a launcher with 24 nozzles spitting inferno is just awesome. Bonus: if you have kids, introduce them to KSP to show them that math and physics are not just made of boring, blackboard and chalk equations, but the awesome knowledge allowing for awesome stuff.
  11. Hi. First, thanks for all the good work on ksp interstellar extended. This mod is awesome, you're awesome. I am currently struggling with designing ISRU solutions for refueling my ships. I found a lot of information on the kspi-e wiki and was able to design a chemical plant processing regolith up to hydrazine. But i did not found any information about the various raw materials available and what one can expect to extract from them using the ISRU processor. for exemple, let's say i go all the way to recolt a lot of solar wind, or monazite, or hydrates, borates, etc... What can i expect to obtain from processing it ? I could figure out about regolith because you can create a tanlk full of regolith in the VAB, so it is possible to quickly buid a prototype plant and make sure it works on Kerbin, then send it to some other place and enjoy. But AFAIK tanks of hydrates/monazite/solar wind are not available in the VAB so i can't experiment on them as easily. Of course, i could launch a mission to near kerbol, collect solar wind and then try to figure out what can be done with it by trial and error. In fact, I was planning to do just that, but it requires hours of gameplay i 'd rather spend using moar nuclear engines to accelerate moar bigger spaceships, and I figured I might as well ask directly here. Kspi-e's gameplay is so deep... I have just too many other questions for one post.
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