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Jimmy Stiff-Fingers

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Everything posted by Jimmy Stiff-Fingers

  1. Wow... Your videos and creations are absolutely amazing!
  2. Behold the Ark! I'm going to construct this ship on the Mun using Ground Construction. Full album here: http://imgur.com/a/OKAuu
  3. Oh, wow!!! This is really awesome! I never was into the boat building, but now I'm going to attempt a thing like this.
  4. Dear fellow Kerbonauts, Kerbaneers and Kerbaniacs, I have a question: is it difficult to give Minmus a different colour with Kopernicus? I like the little moon's low gravity, but I avoid it like the plague, because I can't stand looking at that ugly mint green colour. I've sworn never to set foot upon a space rock that has a weird colour. It really ruins the experience for me. So can somebody please show me a tutorial on how to edit existing bodies. Is it just a matter of a altering a few lines of code or would I have to write pieces of text as long as the Dead Sea Scrolls? Or would there be a hero, with sufficent experience in planet altering magick, who would take up this daunting task to help this poor chap out? xD I have less than 0% experience and know how in these kinds of matters. In that case I would be forever grateful and will name my firstborn after you. Something else: I downloaded the mods that give Jool and Eve a different colour a while back. Absolutely love them. But is it possible to remove the ''water'' on Eve? Cheerio.
  5. Smack me up and call me a drumstick! I need this! This is going to help me big time with my Mun colonization! Thanks! Commencing download in: 3, 2, 1!
  6. This is my Munar Excursion Vehicle. Full album can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/zCbyP Here's a picture of the MEV docking to the Dagon 1:
  7. Czech out Munar Base 1. My first MKS surface base. I'm still learning how the life support system works and I have a feeling I won't be adding a lot more modules because the framerate is... Errr... Let's say sub optimal. xD Full album can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/roClv
  8. This is my Munar orbital station. Go big or go home. It has a cargo and a crew transport docked to it. Full album here *clickey*: http://imgur.com/a/SKNGS
  9. Greetings fellow kerbonauts, kerboneers and kerbaniacs! I, Jimmy Stiff-Fingers, humble servant of the Kraken, Seeker of the divine Space Potato, has come to join you on this mighty forum! I've been playing KSP for almost 3 years(ish?) now. Still manage to suck, though. Per aspera ad astra with a side dish of explosions! I guess this was my introduction.
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