Dear fellow Kerbonauts, Kerbaneers and Kerbaniacs,
I have a question: is it difficult to give Minmus a different colour with Kopernicus? I like the little moon's low gravity, but I avoid it like the plague, because I can't stand looking at that ugly mint green colour. I've sworn never to set foot upon a space rock that has a weird colour. It really ruins the experience for me. So can somebody please show me a tutorial on how to edit existing bodies. Is it just a matter of a altering a few lines of code or would I have to write pieces of text as long as the Dead Sea Scrolls? Or would there be a hero, with sufficent experience in planet altering magick, who would take up this daunting task to help this poor chap out? xD I have less than 0% experience and know how in these kinds of matters. In that case I would be forever grateful and will name my firstborn after you.
Something else: I downloaded the mods that give Jool and Eve a different colour a while back. Absolutely love them. But is it possible to remove the ''water'' on Eve?