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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. Yeah those are not what is used in the video for the sidewalls of the vehicle. I noticed pretty quickly the texture seemed related to a wing.
  2. Structural panels have always been weaker than wings and would blow up on reentry, so I doubt they will have heat shielding of any sort. I tend to associate those parts with craft/bases that are either on the ground or in orbit, but not safe for transitioning between the two.
  3. So the question remains, how did they get those "wing panels" to look like that in the video you shared? The sidewalls of that little car appear to be thin and perfectly flat wings. ...or maybe those are just little structural panels painted white?
  4. I should also mention that trying to connect two procedural wing segments end-to-end is a nightmare right now. There should be a snap-to ball at the end of each procedural wingtip.
  5. No there isn't. Look at your leading and trailing edges there. There is no option to make them look squared for instance. The top of that wing (the right side in the photo) is a teardrop shape. There is no option to adjust the shape or thickness of the trailing and leading edges. We would need two new categories for wing trailing edge and wing leading edge with an option to adjust both the shape and the thickness independently if we wanted to get to the same shape as a panel. Since there are separate categories for wing and stabilizer (different shapes), it would seem most logical for a third category of Procedural Panel.
  6. Finally able to watch that video and it is interesting that the sidewalls of that car appear flat. I don't know how they did it, because there are no settings in the procedural wings/stabs to change the shape of the leading and trailing edges or to set their thickness independently.
  7. My point is... the wings have a teardrop shape. So the only way they would have obsoleted the need for panels is if there was a way to make them completely flat on the top and bottom. If you make a perfect rectangle with a wing or stabilizer, then the top of a wing, and the top and bottom of a stabilizer is NOT flat. Did I miss a wing setting? Can you set the curvature of the wing or stabilizer to be completely flat on both sides? I believe what is currently missing is a Procedural Panel.
  8. Appreciate the feedback, but are you also considering the inherent teardrop shape of a "stabilizer" and the half-teardrop shape of a "wing". Granted, you can make a perfectly rectangular wing shape when viewed from above. If there is a way to make the surface of a wing or stabilizer flat, then I stand corrected.
  9. Those are not going to work for folks for the same reason they were not particularly good in KSP1. ...and my guess is they blow up on re-entry anyway. I guess if we had a way to modify the curvature/style of both the leading and trailing edge of the wing or stabilizer they might suffice as panels. Thickness and design style are off and I strongly suspect they have no heat shielding and will explode upon re-entry. There was a reason they were used sparingly (at best) in KSP1.
  10. That is a bit worrisome. It suggests we no longer have panels as a design element. Why would they assume the only use of panels was to create wings?
  11. It seems there is currently no way to add nodes to a procedural wing. So we are basically stuck creating basic wing shapes. Am I missing something? I'm gonna need like 4 or 5 of these procedural wings clipped together to form the same wing shape on the craft you see below in my signature. Anyone know how to add nodes to a procedural wing? We also have no panels now, so being forced to clip wings together is worse than what we had to work with in KSP1. All of the wings are teardrop so clipping them together is going to produce some sloppy results.
  12. Yeah, no panels yet. That seems kinda odd, but could be they are considered base parts. I just hope we can use them on our craft.
  13. The procedural wings are nice and all, but it seems like we have lost a significant amount of creative design capability in that we have no flat shaped rectangular pieces for walls and non-wing-shaped structures. Sometimes I just want to create a flat deck to walk on or a wall and the wings are all teardrop. Maybe the wall and more generic parts come later with base building?
  14. KVV as in "Kerbal Vessel Viewer" Did you all notice the blueprint feature in the VAB? I like to make blueprints so was pleased to see a native tool in the game. Just seems to be missing a 3/4 view, but maybe I change-up my blueprint styles a bit to accommodate?
  15. Might've been your previous advice I was going on... I didn't have it installed so there was no KSP2 in my choices to remove. I installed G Hub and my keyboard lights came back. So apparently, the existence of G Hub maybe comes with some updated driver we are unaware of?
  16. The save game UI, workspaces, and craft names are an absolute train wreck right now... that is further confused by an autosave "feature" that cannot be turned OFF. They had come so far with the directory system in KSP1... took them forever to get there too. Sad to see it just thrown out the window like this. Simple directory view with text, folders, and filenames = GOOD Giant icon screen captures of the VAB work in process, with confusing cross references to craft/workspace and unwanted new versions being auto-added to the mess = BAD ...but I get it, someone probably spent months pondering how to make what was finally good even better. So can't possibly purge it with fire now as it so deserves.
  17. Investigating this today, I was able to find a solution for logitech keyboard/mouse users. However, it required that I install a piece of software that I did not want. You need to install something called "Logitech G Hub" which is different than the "Logitech Gaming Software" that we typically would use to program our keys. After installing the G Hub, the keyboard and mouse stay lit when the game is on. I will likely never use this software for anything, but it makes my keys visible for KSP2 now I guess. Still not terribly pleased about it.
  18. Well, we have a new KSP to play with, and I have a lot of designs I will need to transfer over. ...but a LOT is missing. I don't think I will be able to get too far at this stage. I was pleased to see they obsoleted KVV in this version.
  19. G Hub? I think that might be what it's called? My mouse and keyboard show in there and that's where I can program the keys for each and so forth. Each device can be selected and there is another keyboard item for applets. I don't see anything in there specific to KSP2 though. Do I have to list that somewhere? Just searched on G Hub, and no that is not what I have installed. I guess I will try installing that now. I really shouldn't have to do this... not too happy with the devs right now.
  20. Glad you like the helos! They are favorites of mine as well. Although, I think I might need to tweak the flight models a bit to bring them up to speed on the latest 1.0 version. Yeah, that's the very odd thing about the keyboard lighting issue; not only is there no warning the game is going to takeover your keyboard/mouse lights, there is also no checkbox to disable it anywhere in the game options menu. At first, I thought my keyboard was malfunctioning and wasted a fair amount of time searching for a solution while the game was still running. Turned the game off and the keyboard/mouse lights came back on, problem solved. LOL
  21. There is no point in trying to build any of my spaceplanes without an autostrut tool. Wonder how long we might have to wait for that one?
  22. It is an unusually dark, dreary, and oppressive hangar. I half expect to see a dead carcass hanging in the corner. Open the doors, bring in some light! sheesh
  23. Excellent summary! I would add that it was an entirely bewildering choice to include at initial launch a game gimmick that (with no warning or way to disable) takes over your backlit keyboard and in my case (Logitech G510) completely disables all keyboard backlighting which makes my keyboard completely dark and unreadable while this game is running. Oh, it caused my logitech mouse to go completely dark too, so I have no idea which mode is active. Worse, if I tab out of the game to perhaps type on this forum, I still can't see my keyboard. This is one that goes beyond the realm of gamebreaking. They have managed to break my keyboard and mouse while their game is running. Perhaps it would not have been so egregiously bad if there was an accessibility option to disable the game from usurping the keyboard and mouse backlighting that I'm sure some visually impaired folks might find rather necessary. Thankfully, not my situation, but if I can't see MY keyboard, well...
  24. Based on a video I saw... the game takes over your keyboard lighting and does things like incrementally turn on/off certain key lighting based on game events (launch countdown for instance). I use both Logitech keyboard and mouse and this game disables the lighting on both of them. My drivers are up to date, just reinstalled today to double-check in fact. I can't see my keyboard and I can no longer tell what mode my mouse is using because all of the lights on my mouse are gone too. It's rather infuriating that a game would take over a users keyboard and mouse accessibility lighting, give zero warning that it was doing it, do it by default, and give no options to disable it in the setup menu. As I type this, I can't see the keys on my keyboard. Thankfully, I am a touch typist and can manage, but this is a pretty egregious overreach by the devs in my opinion. I can forgive a LOT, but this game is breaking things outside of the game.
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