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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. Already tried that one, and the joystick/throttle settings (for instance) are not contained in that config file... or at least, they didn't change from default when copied over. I don't really consider it "playing with fire" but I would like to know which file(s) holds the joystick (and other) settings. One thing I have learned is that copying over all the files in the root KSP folder (the exe files) seems to fix the physics bug issue. So I can repair it pretty quickly, I just trash my config settings. I s'pose it's possible that it's actually the config file itself that causes the issue.
  2. Well... if the intent was to use stock... nowhere in your rules do you actually say that. So I actually viewed the challenge as way too easy since there is no stated rule that the craft needs to be stock. So maybe a few additional rules/guidelines in the challenge would be helpful.
  3. First, and what most turned me off of the challenge; your badge is a bit racy for a Kerbal achievement... not to mention it doesn't seem to scale well and suffers form pixilation when scaled down to a signature. The rules do not seem to disallow modded or edited craft files; so I could probably edit the buoyancy of any craft file and fly it underwater to dock without much effort. Whether or not you devise some sort of scoring doesn't typically matter to me. If anything, scoring tends to prevent folks from even trying once they think someone else has posted the high score and "won".
  4. Well, once again my install of KSP corrupted... The physics are whacked again and all craft pull to the right for no reason. A fresh install solved the problem (again) and it continues to work fine after putting my mods back (again). But now I've gotta redo all my game bindings and various settings. I have multiple installs of the game and was wondering which file(s) I might be able to copy across to the new install to bring back all of my graphics, game, joystick, and key binding settings? Anyone know which file(s) I would need to copy across?
  5. On a side note... is there anything you can do to prevent that stupid red net neutrality popup from appearing at load? It's particularly irritating on handheld devices.
  6. The mini-sub can not go under the ice... So you'd still need an airlift for you mini sub unless it can fly, parachute itself in, and then repack chutes and fly back out. I have craft that can do all this BTW (including the hydrofoil ACC link below) but I've done 2 missions to the hole already and would prefer a new mission/location to dispatch the hydrofoil. https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/HCS-16-Hurricane The Hurricane is a stock hydrofoil cruiser with hangar, VTOL flight deck, submarine bay, and beachhead vehicle loading ramp... and could do the mission without a dock. I just think I'd rather take it to the southern polar region as there are some interesting protected harbor formations down there with even bigger cliffs, and neat things could be done with craft that make use of the KAS winch as a crane.
  7. You maybe should look at the geography of the region in some of the videos above? You'd be driving a long way, since the ice caps are all harsh cliffs at the waters edge. There are no smooth beach transitions to enter or exit a snow/ice region so you'd have to drive on land where there is no ice/snow and then drive over the polar region. Once at the hole, you'd be faced with cliffs again. You might be able to just tumble into the water, but you would not be able to get out, and you might damage the craft just falling in like that. A possible naval solution might involve an aircraft carrier hydrofoil that can travel at 200+ knots on the water, and maybe include a VTOL plane or cruise missile launch platform to access the hole once the AC carrier is close. ...but that would still take hours, since hydrofoils don't typically do too well under accel time. It would have to be a real time mission at about 90-100 m/s (200+ knots).
  8. At this point, I might suggest the following in order: test to see if it happens on more than one craft in the same save game start a new save game and copy over one of the craft you want to test, and see if it still happens save you craft somewhere and just wipe the game and do a clean re-install with no mods and see if it still happens if it still happens, look for a PC with the "[" and "{" on the same key if it still happens, give up all hope
  9. My keyboard has "{" and "[" on the same key where "{" is enabled with shift. So maybe try the key with "{" on it? Otherwise, maybe try looking it up in your key bindings. From the first menu at load select "Settings" then at left "Input" then at top "Game" and look for the key bindings for "Focus Next Vessel", "Focus Previous Vessel" in the "General" section. ...and assign whatever keys you want to use.
  10. I believe the brackets cycle between craft... "[" "]" However, this does assume that you are within reasonable range to do so.
  11. Very odd indeed... I've never had an issue like that and several of my craft (signature linked below) include detachable munitions and/or drop tanks.
  12. A ship would take hours to get there and would still have to fire a missile into or out of the hole. ...or did you have some other idea?
  13. Yeah, that was the issue... but I tried it again just today and it seemed to work!
  14. Now when you save your craft, whatever flag you have assigned to it is saved with the craft. So next time you load it, the associated flag loads with the craft. So it's possible now to have a flag flying over the KSC that is different than craft-specific flags you might load for each craft.
  15. For a year or so (as long as I've been active in KSP) my standard corporate logo/flag has been this one: Untied Technologies And then I made this one for a flight team... Green Cherubs Precarious Flight Team And a few more for various factions that I play with... Krakonian Empire Kerbin Defense Directorate KASA But since the recent 1.4 update and addition of craft specific flags; it opened the door for me to start creating craft nose art or mascot style livery flags and in the last month I've made the following... SP-06 Star Ranger Craft https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/SP-06-Star-Ranger A-30 Thunder Bop II https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/A-30-Thunder-Bop-II FA-41 Dawn(my latest craft coming soon to KerbalX)
  16. The idea of letting Jeb have a lightsaber just makes me laugh...
  17. The K.O.B. Cruise Missile was just something to scout with... it's disposable. But now sure, might as well send the whole crew out to play.
  18. @Daniel Prates ...my intent was to point out that it's not always a craft design flaw.
  19. No, it was not a landing gear issue... the game flight physics were just bugged and I pointed out a few things I noticed and now watch for. The planes tracked perfectly on the runway and in the air after rebooting.
  20. Although I cannot explain exactly why it happens... I have noticed on occasion that something happens in the game and/or my PC/GPU that causes the following behavior: Perfectly good craft designs begin to exhibit unwanted rolling behavior and/or have a tendency to want to nose-down after takeoff. This has been most annoying on a couple of occasions where it began to happen in the midst of a new design that I was flight testing. In which case, I didn't realize it was a game flight physics glitch and I spent a fair amount of time trying to correct the craft only to find out that it was happening on my older proven designs as well! In which case, shutting down the entire PC and rebooting made the issue go away. I think it might be linked to walking away from the PC (for hours) and then coming back to the game without rebooting the system. Not saying that it's necessarily causing your issue, but just something to be aware of and maybe test another design or two just to make sure it's not a game related physics glitch before ripping your craft apart. Edit: one other note... when it happened to me most recently (just this past week) I turned on the flight physics arrows and noticed that vertical control surfaces were showing that they were generating lift forces to the left or right causing unwanted yaw. After rebooting and restarting the game, the flight physics arrows on my vertical stabilizers were back to normal. My first indication that something was not behaving correctly was that the craft was pulling to the right or left on the runway before takeoff.
  21. @Triop I built a new long range bomber and a specialized cruise missile just for this challenge...
  22. One of our weather satellites has picked up an anomaly. Valentina and Bill are dispatched to the northern ice shelf to investigate what appears to be a large hole in the ice. This should be a good mission for our newest long range fighter bomber, the FA-41 Dawn. Bill is a tad apprehensive about the untested K.O.B. Cruise Missle that Jeb has strapped on the bottom of the craft but Valentina says not to worry; she's got it all under control! Now let's go see what this hole in the ice is all about. https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/FA-41-Dawn
  23. @bewing@Not Sure Just checked it... there is definitely, positively... no kerbal chute listed in the staging sequence. Checked pre-launch, in flight, in the command seat. The chute does not appear, but deploys when the radial decoupler is activated via staging.
  24. Well... it's not really something I can take advantage of. ...but at least, for now, I think I know how to work around it. Only downside is, it will likely prevent me from posting a craft design in the near future because too many people will not understand why the kerbal parachutes are deploying. Hopefully, it will be fixed in an update here soon. Thanks for feedback!
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