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Laythe Squid

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  • About me
    Space Communist
  • Location
    Traveling to TRAPPIST-1
  • Interests
    Everything Space

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  1. This we do not speak of...R.I.P. Sanny Kerman
  2. THE FRUGAL KERBAL'S INTERPLANETARY TRAVEL GUIDE Ah, the Kerbol System. It's a wonderland of different planets and moons, from icy Eeloo to sun-blasted Moho and everywhere in between In the past, you could only travel to space if you were a kerbonaut or a billionaire, but all that has changed with the advent of faster, more efficient, and cheaper propulsion systems. Now anyone can tour the Kerbol System. There's a problem though...space flight is still costly, and many Kerbals never take a vacation off-planet, believing it would bankrupt them. This belief is wrong. In this guide i'll be covering the best vacation options for the middle-class Kerbal. I'll start by covering suborbital and orbital tourism, then move out to Mun and Minmus. This will be followed by the inner planets, then Dres and the Dresteroid belt, then chapters on Jool and its moons, then finally a chapter on Eeloo. Each chapter will discuss the best spots to visit, places to stay, things to do, and risks of each destination.
  3. I made a game. The rules are simple. Attempt to derail the thread by posting something of your choice. You get one point for this. If you stay on topic, you get no points. If you tell people to stay on topic, you lose a point. Keep it inoffensive. No swearing, racism, sexism, etc. Whoever gets the most points by the end of the week wins! I'll start.
  4. I send in the transparent kebabs to destroy your hill. My kebab-filled crater
  5. .. ...- -. ...- -. -.-- ...- .. ---... / .. ...- --.. --- .-. --. -... / .-. .... / --.. -- / .-. --- --- ..-. .... .-. .-.. -- --..-- / --. ... ...- / ..-. -- .-. . ...- .. .... ...- / .-. .... / --.. / ... .-.. --- .-.. - .. --.. -. --..-- / -.-- ..-. -... / - .-.. --- .-- --..-- / -.-- -... ...- ---. / .-.-..
  6. Ivnvnyvi: ivzorgb rh zm roofhrlm, gsv fmrevihv rh z sloltizn, yfb tlow, ybv!
  7. Energetic? Check. Massive? Check. CamwiseKerski will be around some asteroids in the near future. Get ready for problems. Will
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