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  1. Here's a simple warp-capable craft that I've built to illustrate a texture issue I've been having. The warp effect has its usual blue/violet color, and the transparencies fluctuate as they should, but once every cycle, each color flashes a bright white. I'm running KSPI version 1.11.4, so this isn't a current glitch. (EDIT: yes it is. I updated everything, and this still happens. I wonder if it has something to do with the PersistentRotation mod, it also seems to have the occasional texture issue.) I'm having a hard time finding references to this specific "flash-glitch" anywhere. I've tried checking the warp texture files, combining various elements of other Interstellar versions with this one, and I've even tried a clean reinstall of the entire mod. Nothing changes. I've also played around with my graphics settings, to no avail. I describe the problem in more detail in my original post (sorry, I only just realized that this might be a good place to post as well) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/157574-ksp-interstellar-warp-effect-glitch/ Has anyone else had this happen to them lately? The other (extremely rare) references to this that I've found refer to a solid white beam (such as the one in the second pic), but that remains solid. Mine flashes, as shown, and I seem to be the only one to whom this is happening...surely not, right? Any hints or tips on how to resolve this would be quite welcome.
  2. I just downloaded KSP Interstellar Extended. Since I'm running KSP 1.2.1, I downloaded the corresponding version of Interstellar, version 1.11.4. Everything works beautifully, except for one small thing; when I run either of the Alcubierre warp drives, the blue/violet warp effect texture regularly flashes bright white for a split second before resuming the usual colors and transparency fluctuation. The frequency of these "white flashes" is proportional to the warp speed. These white flashes alternate; first, the inner violet flashes white, and then the outer blue flashes white. Then the process repeats. It doesn't affect function or anything, but it's kind of jarring. Plus, it's a mystery to resolve. I tried going into the warp effect's texture files; each warp color has 16 different images that cycle through, each varying in transparency. I copied one file of each type (warp and warpr) 16 times, renaming each the appropriate number. Then, when I re-run the game, sure enough, the colors do not fluctuate, but the white flashes still occur. So the texture files aren't the problem; at first I thought that one of the 16 images must have been "whitened," but that has proven to be false. It must have something to do with whichever other file deals with cycling through the texture images. I know that the Alcubierre Drive's page over on Github mentions a texture glitch; their glitch, however, refers to a solid black texture. This isn't my case (quite the opposite). Besides, my version of KSPI doesn't have Active Texture Management, which seems to have been the problem for their "black glitch." So there we go, I think that's everything...anyone have any ideas? / have had this happen to them? I'm posting here because I can't find a single reference to my specific flashy-glitch anywhere.
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