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  1. hi all, thank freethinker for this truly amazing mods I've already spent more than I'm willing to assume hours enjoying it in carrer mode =) I'm a bit confused now as I try to extract uranium now. Where can i find the ISRU refinery ? I've spent hours researching this on the web and in the mod files All I can find is the All in one ISRU refining (and the other ISRU processing* units) with the uranium part commented (and I wasn't really succesful at uncommenting them). I also found what I believed WAS the original refinerry, but it's now in an "unresearchable" tech tree and it's labelled as obsolete I was trying to change the mun into a big nuclear plant for my beam power grid, and I'm kind of stuck now Can you help ? (or just point to a similar thread I missed (even though I've been through quit a lot of them already ) * not mining
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