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Everything posted by Rockets4life

  1. I am running 1.3.1. I couldn't quicksave or load while in the Retraining menu, and quick saving/loading after clicking ok didn't fix the issue. Thank you for the quick response though
  2. I am having issues with the Study Hall. I have minimus colony, with an assembled hogan configured as a study hall. I go to the retrain menu and select one of the tourists I have in that module. I click on one of the traits, press set, and a little message that says the changes will take effect when I press ok. So I press ok, and nothing happens. No traits have changed, no messages appeared, nothing. AM I doing something wrong, or is it just bugged? I am using mods other than kis and pathfinder. The main ones are kas, kis, pathfinder, Planetary base systems, tac LS, TCA, and extra-planetary launchpads.
  3. @goldenpsp Great thanks! I pulled the files out of the game data folder and now all the parts show up.
  4. I am unable to install this mod. I have tried pulling the game data folder from the mks folder and putting that inside of ksp's game data folder, I have tried putting mks's game data inside the ksp folder itself, I have tried putting the whole mks folder in the ksp game data folder and in the ksp folder itself, but none of these work. Sometimes I get a few parts but never very many. Please help this looks like an awesome mod and I have tried many times but I can't install it properly.
  5. I have a question. What does koncrete do? In the description in-game it says it is used to build permanent structures, but what is considered a permanent structure, and how do you build them? Thanks!
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