As in 2.5 times more gasoline than oxygen?
I would not suggest using Gasoline and gaseous oxygen, because:
1. Gaseous oxygen has a very low density, and conpressing it at that level would probably make the tank blow up.
2. The mixture ratio would be more like 14:1
So, I would not use it except if you are trying to build a CAR. Instead, RP-1 with LOX is a better idea, since it creates TONS MORE THRUST and it has a specific impulse close to the one needed, is light and is versatile (unlike hydrogen). RP-1 is basically gasoline, so the only thing we need to change is gas to liquid oxygen. Only then the mixture ratio would be 1.65:1, if we use a less powerful variant of the F1 engine. Also, I need more information about how this rocket engine will be used (Lifter or orbiter) since i need to include TWR and include a thrust figure from this data.
At maximum, a Raspberry Pi consumes around 2 watts. Not much data about operating temps tho, but the max minimum temperature is 0•C while the lowest possible minimum is -40•C, so it isn’t very consistent.