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Everything posted by goodmanbrown

  1. I've installed the game and the Making History expansion through Steam running on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic). With the expansion installed, the game no longer runs. Sometimes it crashes before it can load the main menu. Sometimes it crashes or freezes at the main menu. The farthest I've ever made it was to click through to the Making History select-a-mission screen, at which point the game froze. If I uninstall the expansion, the base game still works fine. Is anyone else seeing this behavior? Anyone come up with a workaround?
  2. An Open Letter from Jebediah Kerman to the KSC Community Colleagues, Recent experiences prompt me to air a discussion that has, until now, been confined to hushed conversations in the Astronaut Complex. Every veteran kerbonaut is acquainted with the curious phenomenon of time-slips. Just as we begin the tedious portion of our mission-- traveling the slow sweep of a Hohmann transfer, waiting for a burn window or an orbital rendezvous-- the tedious portion ends. We emerge at our destination as if from an unhurried blink, our snack-stores and sanity intact. This is what we discuss around the billiards table: how is it possible that the passage of time adjusts itself to the orbital trajectories we choose? Are we choosing those trajectories? On my recent trip to Duna, I experienced another disturbing phenomenon: time-hiccups. On that single voyage, I launched thrice. (I forgot to deploy solar panels; hiccup. I noticed the absence of a ladder; hiccup. Only then did I park in a stable orbit.) When I arrived at Duna I aerobraked seven times. (The first six ended in fireballs or Kerbol orbits; hiccup.) I landed five times on Duna’s night side. (The first four ended in harrowing moments of surface-assisted disassembly; hiccup.) Though I clearly and distinctly recall each event in this sequence, only the successes appear in my telemetry. Why does time itself hiccup whenever my decisions lead to disaster? Am I making those decisions? In a moment of silence and tranquility, please ask yourself, reader, if you have similar cause for concern. Did you choose to read this letter? Have you read it before? If you share my concerns, join me in demanding that Administration recalibrate our Space Program’s mission. We have cataloged the material constituents of the heavens. Now we must ask: how can we reclaim our freedom? -Jeb
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