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Posts posted by DunaManiac

  1. I don't think that I can install kerbinside, because my computer is reeally old, and fizzes out a lot. I am planning to get a ps4.

    1 hour ago, BT Industries said:

    Ohh a get it now (it was just an expression when I said give me a call).

    My first bit of advice would be to write down all your ideas put and put them in a list with your favorites at the top and your least favorite at the bottom.

    Then I would chose where on Kerbin you want it to be (When doing this have Kerbinside installed so you don't accidently put it where some other building already is, as some people will want to play with both mods installed) and start making a rough model. Once you have the rough model in game and working replace it with a nicer model and give it to a tester to test. Now do the same on the next thing on the list.

    (remember that fixing bugs is more important then releasing new stuff)

    Once you have about 5 you can release it to the public (now that a lot more people are trying your mod be aware that they may find bugs that you tester couldn't).

    I really recommend having a nice front page on the forums with lots of information and pictures.

    A good idea for this sort of mod might be to put some sort of story behind each building...

    I really recommend using Github as it will allow other people to help (if you let them) and is an easy way to keep track of issues/bugs.


    This is only my opinion on how I would do it... I have never made a Kerbal Konstructs mod before.

    (I hope you still find this useful in some way)


    As far as my modding skills go I can only call myself a KSP Hacker, but I can always help with testing, making videos and/or editing photos.

    If you have any questions ask and I'll see what I can do as I do know quite a bit about how KSP work

    Oh and this may help...


    Just asking, how would you make the model, I don't have any experience with making mods whatsoever.

  2. I might also make a little air race for show for you to fly around in with sandbox. And a Giant tunnel with a rocket airplane on it, and everything is destructble!!!!!!

    Later...  Sorry I was going a little off-task there, I get a map of kerbin in the next post with my bases on it.

  3. Great Idea! I might consider making that part of my mods. But here is my proposal, I remove the rnd and in its place i put reasearch facilities all over kerbin, maybe some ocean based ones with places for docking. Then instead of just launching experimental parts from ksc, you can use those reasearch facilities. Any more ideas?


  4. What Alpha 360? It's ONLY 16,000 m/s to laythe and back, see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/145898-round-kerbin-chalenge/

    So recommended mods: Kerbal Aircraft Xpansion: https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221780-kerbal-aircraft-expansion-kax

    Kerbal engineer

    And procedural parts : https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/releases

    19 minutes ago, KerbalXcer said:




  5. On 9/3/2016 at 5:30 PM, DaElite101 said:

    So I guess that since there are basically no rules besides only refueling once, that means that such things as infinite fuel and HyperEdit cheats are allowed. Nice and easy challenge.

    Okay, here is some more difficulty, You have to return with one full Orange tank, you can't go past 1,000 m/s in the atmospheres of Kerbin and laythe, and can't go above 30 km in the atmosphere as well. And, NO cheats allowed, and it has to be stock! That was easy mode. Hard mode is Go To laythe, land, build a base at laythe, Then send a plane to go to all the moons of jool and skim through Jool's atmosphere then go back to kerbin, visit every Easter egg on kerbin (monoliths, the pyramids the 2nd space center etc.) then land back on the  runway with  a full tank of fuel. (It dosen't matter how big or small it is).

  6. 17 minutes ago, Alpha 360 said:

    I really like parts packs, they really give me more options and more wilder rockets. Colonization mods are great as well, except I still have to land them in one piece. 

    The last time I have checked, I had 660 millibytes of mods, do not try it. It killed the game literary. I had to install it again.

    That's the same thing that happened to me! I had installed to many mods and when I went into the VAB it said: RUN TIME ERROR, and ksp crashed. I had to rinse the install

  7. On 9/2/2016 at 3:13 AM, JP76 said:

    Hi folks! Hope I'm not too late to this party!?

    Why is it that I always discover epic games when they are a few year's old!?  :D

    I'm John ex Army, from UK.......and I'm a KSP addict! 

    Brought the game (PC) on steam the other day and not been off it since. I seriously think you need to add a disclaimer or warning about the lack of sleep and epicness that will follow when one installs it!! 

    Started on career mode, followed a few of the training missions, and yesterday I managed my second orbit of Kerbin for a contract to test radial decouplers @ 500,000m! 

    Ive found Scott Manley's, and others tutorials, and decided to try a few mods today too. I would be interested in a visual one, the chatter one, and a camera/views mod. (Think I saw one where you can watch launches from a static position or strap kerpro cameras  (TM) to SRBs etc. 

    I'll have a good look at the mod section in a while. And im also looking forward to seeing what the community has to offer and getting involved. I'm sure this forum will be a great help and source of info! (Already bookmarked!) 


    Cheers all, 


    For Science!  o7 


    Your never to late! I joined 2 days after you!

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