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Everything posted by RunsWithScissors

  1. I built a simple Messerschmitt 262 *version 1*
  2. By god that plane is ugly. What where they thinking?
  3. Very original! I like how you used the rover wheels vs. standard landing gear.
  4. I was just going from memory. Admittedly, "flavor" was a poor word choice on my part. I said "flavor" as a way to spicen up my thought.
  5. No no no, that's not what I mean by "baby" hornet. (I'm not sure how much the civilian world uses the term "baby" when talking about the old hornet. I grew up with a dad in the navy who always pointed out the differences between the 2, and always used the phrase "baby". I was just using a term I was used to using and was familiar to me.) The are 2 different "flavors" of hornet- the so called baby hornet, and the super hornet. The main visible difference on the surface between the "baby" hornet are the shape of the intakes, the super hornet having rectangular intakes and the baby hornet having circular intakes. The super hornet is also newer than the baby hornet. (And the Super hornet is also slightly larger.)
  6. P.S., you guys forgot to put a date on the YF-23
  7. This thread is amazing, are you guys thinking of doing a Russian jet-a day?
  8. I would like to add that the prowler is no longer in service, the last ones where decommissioned, and the last flight was on May 27, 2015. Just to let you know
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