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    Who even uses Skype anymore?
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    Unless you're talking about birds, then I have no idea what that is!

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  • About me
    Totally not crazy
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  • Interests
    Gaming, modding, spaceflight, military history (esp. WWII). Russian music as well.

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  1. NOTICE: I will be away from the 21st of August to the 27th of August. This is because I am on school camp (which I hate). If you have any messages or quote me in anything, just know that you won't be receiving an answer from me until I (hopefully) return on the 27th.

    1. HansonKerman


      What's school camp?

    2. Chel


      It's a camp which I go on for school (along with everybody else in my year level). It's a 4 day survival camp, where we have to build and survive in our own shelters for 3 of the days. We do canoeing, absailing, mountain biking, and even hang gliding. This sounds fun and all, but mixed with the cold, rainy weather and my passionate hate of the outdoors, it's going to be horrible.

    3. HansonKerman
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