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    Totally not crazy
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    Gaming, modding, spaceflight, military history (esp. WWII). Russian music as well.

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  1. So about an hour ago me and my family went to the vet because one of our dogs, Molly, had a large lump on her front left leg. After about 15 mins, they said that that lump was actually cancer. Now I love my dog very, very much, and to find out that she now has this has absolutely destroyed me. I felt as if my whole body just died inside. I don't know what to do, I've been sobbing for the past half hour, and I seriously don't know what's going to happen. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 4x4cheesecake


      I feel sorry for you mate, that are really bad news :( Hopy there is a chance to save her life

    3. Coca992


      As said Lo Var Lachland, enjoy the time with her, as we must always do with everyone.

    4. guesswho2778


      im sorry for your loss i went through the same thing about 5 years ago my dog who was very old for her size got cancer there wasn't enough time to save her and she died about 2 weeks after we found out unfortunately i was the one who found her

      and just as the two above said enjoy your time with her you never know what might happen

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