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Everything posted by Chel

  1. yay! I'm super tired, feel like sleeping, and just found out that I HAVE A 1000 WORD ESSAY DUE BY TOMORROW. 'you've had plenty of time to work on it' (first lesson of the term was on Monday, today is Wednesday). 'we've decided to bring forward the date by two weeks' (so original due date was in week 4, but for some STUPID REASON, they decided to MAKE IT TOMORROW) This is wonderful! School really does help you on things! No wonder I feel like I do, got no friends, 2+ hours of HW a day, mum just left on a south american holiday (so it's only me and my dad now), and a LOT of things due in the next few weeks! Life is great!
  2. Note to self: Don't go to sleep at 3am, nearly fell asleep in my economics class today D:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Chel


      no.i wont rest in peace, so rip is irrelevant 

    3. KerballingSmasher


      DRIP, then! (Don't Rest In Peace)

    4. Chel









  3. Ye. I'm not spoiling the whole film, just a little easter egg scene
  4. Far Cry 2, AKA African Driving Simulator 2008, Holding Map Simulator 2008, and Missing Shots Simulator 2008 Got it for free on Xbox about 3 months ago, played it, and didn't like it at first (minimal HUD, having to hold a physical map, seemed boring). But recently I decided to give it a revisit, and since creating my new save file about a week ago, I've already played the game for over 35 hours. It is difficult, with things such as the malaria attacks and weapon degradation and jamming, but once you learn to get past these, this game is just really fun to play. It has it's downsides, such as with the enemy AI who can magically see you from a kilometer away, respawning enemies at Guard Posts, the BRUTAL SAVE SYSTEM (if you're looking for checkpoints and autosave, you're in the wrong place). You can only save at safehouses, gun stores, after completing missions, and that's it. If you die or quit you lose all your progress since your last save One good system is the Buddies. These are friendly AI who you can rescue or find in the world, and if you die, instead of respawning at your last save point, a cutscene will play where your buddy has come to your rescue, fighting off enemies and moving you to a safe place to heal your wounds. For the main missions, after accepting one you will receive a phone call shortly after from your buddy, who will tell you of a better way to do the task. This is often much easier to do, but is tougher. If your buddy is wounded in fights they will lie on the ground in pain. You can choose to either heal them with one of your syrettes, or simply shoot them if you don't have any ways to save them. This WILL obviously kill your buddy and you won't be able to be rescued by them again, so it's a difficult choice. I just really like the game as it's something different from all the modern shooters and open world games
  5. Films and series are different things. I'm talking about films, not including the new Clone Wars series and the Mandalorian
  6. Hmm... A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi These films were titled like Saturday morning episodes, like a continuation of a story (which Star Wars is). The prequels are great if you exclude Jar Jar and the love scenes in Ep 2. I mean, Episode 3 is a cinematic masterpiece
  7. I'm alright with the film, it's just the title. Rise of Skywalker. I mean, COME ON PEOPLE. IT SOUNDS SO CRINGY! And yes, the backlash against TLJ (which I was apart of), has made me hate the sequels even more, but I guess I'll have to see this film when it releases. I wasn't hyped for it at all. I mocked it, and it was painful to watch. Only interesting bits are the Death Star II crash scene and Palpatine's laugh (which made me actually a little bit excited). While I'm on the topic of sequel trailers. when I saw the first trailer for TFA, I was really hyped. It looked great. Saw the film, kinda liked it. Then TLJ came out, and as a rule I have all Star Wars films on DVD, BR, or even VHS (OT), but that doesn't mean I have to watch them. Heck, I saw TLJ in cinemas, got it on blu ray, haven't even removed the plastic clear wrap around the case (like I haven't even touched it, it's just sitting there). I'm hoping for TROS to be good, because it's supposed to be the last Star Wars movie in the timeline (not counting the rumors of the Obi Wan film in development). I'll just have to wait and see it first, but I'm hoping this film can save the sequels.
  8. How y'all doing it's time for another term of school! :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KerballingSmasher


      oof. Summer break shall soon be upon me and I'm excited so sorry y'all!

    3. The_Arcitect


      I have spring brake currently...

    4. guesswho2778


      well... my start to the term was rather counterproductive because last night i couldn't sleep and sat there staring at the ceiling until i saw the sun and then for some reason i cant comprehend my brain decide that was the perfect time to black out so then i woke up late even more tired and missed the bus then waited staring at the road so i didn't miss the second bus... so that was my morning/night i hope you all had a better one

  9. My EVA works just fine, what did you do @ThazZ189 for your issue to happen? Like were you transmitting data, going on a ladder, going out from a hatch, etc.
  10. Have you tried posting this in the Suggestions and Development subforum? This might be the wrong area to post, seeming as this is about game crashes and help
  11. If you have a large ship, SAS and timewarp don't work that well. SAS will cause your ship to go crazy and destroy itself. It's a known issue, not just in the console version of KSP. Try turning off SAS and then timewarping, that should hopefully fix it
  12. A small patch happened for me too. Was it the 600mb one?
  13. For KER: Check Announcements. They released info today For EVE and Scatterer: No. Just like clouds, it's not getting implemented. There are numerous threads about clouds and new graphics, take a look if you want
  14. @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) I'm in school now lol, but again Ah, victory
  15. That wouldn't be able to happen. Unlike PC, console games are restricted for content. Microsoft and Sony don't like third party software on games. There are some exceptions to this, but for the most part nearly every game doesn't have mod support.
  16. You can also just search them up on the KSP Wiki and travel to the general area. May take some time though
  17. I won't be on tomorrow, doing a 10km walk/run for charity with my school, and then it's holidays time!. So, happy Thursday I guess ^^

    1. GRS


      Great, try to run as much as you can (if i remember correctly, i can run nearly 6 Km nonstop now), don't force yourself too much, Ok...?

  18. Chel

    PC help needed

    @steve_v So you're saying this was kind of an indication that the laptop is starting to fail and that I should back up everything? I'll do it all tonight, went out and got an external HD last night
  19. Chel

    PC help needed

    I booted it up just like 30 mins ago. It loaded windows, but then got a black screen for 10 minutes, then loaded the desktop (which is blank but has my background showing). So it's kinda recovering, just slowly.
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