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Status Updates posted by Chel

  1. Day 3: I have passed, I am beginning to be able to draw simply by looking at a piece of paper

  2. 800 posts! Only 700 left till rank 5!

    1. Piatzin
    2. Kerbinchaser


      @Earthlinger If you aren't enthusiastic don't even post xD

  3. Day 1: I have passed, everything is normal

    1. Coca992


      nice my friend!

    2. Chel


      Day 2: I am starting to get headaches from time to time, but I have passed.

  4. Just passed 700 rep!

    1. Coca992


      yeah! go kitty :)

  5. 775, almost..there

    1. Coca992



    2. Kernel Kraken
    3. Chel


      Post count

      Now up to 787

  6. Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself

    Have a happy Halloween everyone!

    1. Coca992


      strangely, I heard this story somewhere...

  7. I have reached 750 posts now! Only 750 more till I can rank up!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Chel


      I started out on the forums a year and a bit ago.

    3. Coca992


      go!! you can do it!

    4. Chel


      *Insert overused inspirational music theme here* Yes. I. Can!

  8. I just reached 700 posts! Only 800 more to get 5 dots!


    1. Coca992


      wow, good job!

  9. Right now I feel really sad. Guess it's probably just pressure at school and the weather.

    1. Kerbinchaser


      The change of seasons here has affected me. Maybe it's that?

  10. This is truly horrifying


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chel


      Crap. The Google Images linking isn't working. It's a picture of the 'Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today'

    3. Kerbinchaser
    4. Piatzin


      It's a sign that you're generous :3

  11. Almost at 500 rep!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HansonKerman


      there, now you are at 500.

    3. Chel


      Yes! Now I can set my sights on the 1000 rep group! Also, I wonder how I get 5 dots...

    4. HansonKerman


      1500 post count.

  12. NOTICE: I will be away from the 21st of August to the 27th of August. This is because I am on school camp (which I hate). If you have any messages or quote me in anything, just know that you won't be receiving an answer from me until I (hopefully) return on the 27th.

    1. HansonKerman


      What's school camp?

    2. Chel


      It's a camp which I go on for school (along with everybody else in my year level). It's a 4 day survival camp, where we have to build and survive in our own shelters for 3 of the days. We do canoeing, absailing, mountain biking, and even hang gliding. This sounds fun and all, but mixed with the cold, rainy weather and my passionate hate of the outdoors, it's going to be horrible.

    3. HansonKerman
  13. I have no idea why I made this. 

  14. Just discovered new emotes, now to spam them on every post! :lol::D:ph34r:&)

    1. DeltaDizzy


      "one of those is not like the others!" intensifies

  15. Hi all! Today is my official 1 year account on the forums! I love this place! 

    1. NSEP


      Happy anniversary!

    2. Kerbinchaser
  16. I don't really care about anything anymore. I am sick of school. We cannot have any creativity. We must comply with the rules. Must have the exact width and height of a shape in Photoshop. Must have all questions right for maths homework or we are marked as 'homework not completed'. I don't even care if I get a detention or suspension. I just want to be able to have fun. Why can I not use the different tools of photoshop in my space battle? Why do I instead have to edit a picture of someone's hair? Why can't I learn in a different, more engaging way? Why am I even at school? I want to be free! But if I'm free, then I get punished. Freedom from school means punishment. Punishment is bad. To not get punishment, I must go to school. I must go to school to learn. Learning helps me get a job. A job helps me make money. Money helps me buy things for enjoyment. Enjoyment means freedom. But freedom is only limited to 2 days a week. Please help me.

    1. CatastrophicFailure


      Bruh, take it from an old fart. Secondary School sucks.

      It. Gets. Better. :)
      College is awesome.

      This is what's called, "paying your dues." Everyone goes through this, thinks this. Everyone. By the time most people make it to oldfartdom and can actually do something about it, most have forgotten.

      If anyone tells you these are the best times of your life, they're lying. It gets better. The good stuff is yet to come. Make a note of everything you don't like about the now, and choose carefully where to go to college. If you want to go, that is.

      Sit back. Breathe. Know you're not alone, and it gets better.

  17. Took a video yesterday of an EMU passing our old Railmotor 2000 on a heritage trip: 


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