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Everything posted by Chel

  1. Would it be possible to see what the first version of the forum website looked like?
  2. So was Wii Sports (god help me if somebody utters a single note of the theme song I will go crazy The games on it were really good. Baseball was my favourite. I can still remember my first 'Out of the park' when I was 7. I celebrated like mad!)
  3. I had very little science left so I built a small rover rocket contraption to go around the KSC and collect science. Who knew that the flagpole gives you 12 science?
  4. Username because I love cats, and space travel. My original name was KerbalManiac (but I changed it obviously) The avatar was supposed to be a GIF of a cat flying through space, but froze when I was uploading it.
  5. NOTICE: I will be away from the 21st of August to the 27th of August. This is because I am on school camp (which I hate). If you have any messages or quote me in anything, just know that you won't be receiving an answer from me until I (hopefully) return on the 27th.

    1. HansonKerman


      What's school camp?

    2. Chel


      It's a camp which I go on for school (along with everybody else in my year level). It's a 4 day survival camp, where we have to build and survive in our own shelters for 3 of the days. We do canoeing, absailing, mountain biking, and even hang gliding. This sounds fun and all, but mixed with the cold, rainy weather and my passionate hate of the outdoors, it's going to be horrible.

    3. HansonKerman
  6. This is a great video! I also really enjoyed the history of planes and tanks too
  7. Ok, so if I just spam the KSP discussion, Kerbal Network, and other threads I'll get to five dots once I reach 1500 posts? (Not that I would actually do that)
  8. I have only 552 posts though. Not 1400. This is now confusing me
  9. Hello, and welcome to the forums!
  10. So if I get 1,499 reputation then I get to five dots?
  11. I was at school, sitting at a table under a tree, reading and eating.
  12. Sitting outside eating my lunch, and a bird lands next to me, on the chair. Right next to me. It sat there for like 2 minutes, and then flew away. It didn't even want any of my food!
  13. I've built a couple, which I've made posts about.
  14. Chel

    Shower thoughts

    I have an old Nokia brick. It only plays Snake and some other games. Still works, and is pretty much indestructible
  15. Chel

    Shower thoughts

    I do not want a thing about ham radios
  16. Chel

    Shower thoughts

    Can we just change it to a new topic please? I don't want a thing about ham radios.
  17. Chel

    Shower thoughts

    No, I'm talking about me saying EVERYTHING the radio hosts would say, and singing all the songs. I could remember every single thing they said. ???
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