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Everything posted by Chel

  1. We must unite! Only by protesting in large numbers can we convince them to bring it back!
  2. me hoy minoy An exclamation of aggression, most often used by Dooblebob from Spongebob episode 34, season 2. From Urban Dictionary. Don't ask questions. The Focke Wolf 190 was a German fighter aircraft, in service of the Luftwaffe. Retrieved from en.wikipedia.org/Focke-Wolf-190
  3. Anything in the future for Enhanced Edition? Just asking. Hopefully a fix to the part action menu bug.
  4. Try reinstalling the game, and make sure you don't have any old or outdated mods.
  5. Ok. So you have the current mod version for the game. No idea why it shouldn't work, unless you installed it incorrectly.
  6. *Starts singing 'It's the end of the world as we know it' in my head*
  7. Hi all, I was bored, and decided to look at the KSP credits. For example, I found out that a SQUAD staff's forum username was derived from the first letter of their first name and their last name. I also had fun looking at the names, with some of them having a forum username next to them. It's very interesting!
  8. What's your KSP version? Old versions don't go well with new mods, and new versions don't go well with old mods.
  9. I really don't want mods being only uploaded to the Workshop and not file sharing sites. What if we don't have Steam? What if Steam is blocked, or we can't access it? I can say that simply clicking a button and having a mod installed automatically is really helpful, but if we don't have Steam, and if modders start abandoning Curse, KerbalX, Spacedock, and all the other sites, then we are screwed.
  10. Well... have you gone out of time warp and throttled up? When you use time warp above 4, it shuts down the engines. You then have to start them up again. Or are you saying that even if you go to like 2x speed they stop working and won't turn on.
  11. Hmm... probably safe to just wait for the bugfix update.
  12. I never knew there was Part Action Men! Don't you mean Part Action Menu?
  13. Ok. It could be your control setup (maybe it has a different button to open the menu) If the problem does persist, SQUAD has announced a massive bugfix update for KSP:EE (about two days ago), so wait for that to roll out? Possible fix, try setting the button to open the menu to a different one (e.g. X or Y). Have you tried it in all three control modes?
  14. Have you been tampering with any of the game files? I'm talking about folders other than GameData and Plugins.
  15. Well, custom IVAs do usually have a lot more detail in them than the normal, stock IVAs. It could be that the IVA has a lot more objects that are really detailed in it. Other than that (because I don't have the mod in my game), I can't really provide accurate help. Try posting it on the actual thread about the mod as well.
  16. Do you mean walking through? You can have Kerbals transfer from different parts, and to different ships via docking ports. Bit confused by what you mean
  17. It's a known bug. Simply restarting the game will fix it.
  18. @Ultimate Steve's right. Too many mods can lag up your machine. Try removing all the mods, and see how much frames you are getting then. If you are still getting bad frames, maybe it's time to get a better computer.
  19. Have you tried uninstalling the mod? It could also be a case of an improper install.
  20. Constantly asking the devs about new updates won't get you a response. As I have said, keep checking the Announcements section for any news on the console version.
  21. Ok. Have you tried removing mods? It could be that all those mods running at the same time can cause lag.
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