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Everything posted by Chel

  1. There is, but they were all having conversations in the office.
  2. Ok, this one is REALLY CREEPY. So yesterday I was finishing some maths homework in the library at school, as I normally do most afternoons. About 5 minutes later, some kid walked in, wearing a hoodie. He had it done up tightly that only his eyes were showing, and he just walked over to me. Then, he grabbed my maths stuff and threw it all on the floor. I was like "Why'd you do that?", and I got no response. Then he just walked away. About two minute later, I saw him staring at me from a distance. I went up to him, and asked him who he was. He just said "Your worst nightmare". By this point I was getting tired of him, and tried to pull his hoodie off to unmask him. For a little kid, he was actually pretty strong, and kicked me in the stomach, as I fell to the floor. I then walked away and went back to my maths homework. Once again, he was standing there, just staring at me. I got my phone out, and tried to take a picture or a video of him. He then grabbed my phone, and threw it on the floor (luckily I have a protective case so my phone suffered no damage). He then said "Leave this place", and I was like "No, [snip], I'm trying to do my homework" He then said "You'll suffer for your ignorance, fool". By this point, I just couldn't help but laugh. That stopped when he hit me in the face, and I now have a large bruise on my left cheek (really hurts too). I managed to get a short 18 second video of him, before he grabbed my phone again (I saved the video, so it's all good). Then he said that my actions will lead to suffering, and with that, he just walked away. I am now worried, as I've done nothing to provoke this. He just came up to me and threw my maths stuff around. I don't even know him. Thoughts?
  3. I have no idea why I made this. 

  4. If you have suggestions on the game, you can put them in the Suggestions and Development thread. There the developers check out things, and they may include them in a future update.
  5. On EE, I tested a new space shuttle. It has two cargo bays, side by side, and I've used adapters to put in a mk3 cockpit (using the move tool around the adapters to 'fill in' the area between the bays and the cockpit). It's really stable, and can achieve a 120km orbit in under 8 minutes. I used it to dock with Glorious Kerbal's Worker's Space Station (GKWSS) to transfer kosmonauts and cargo. It has VTOL capabilities, and I landed on the launchpad.
  6. Some War Thunder music is stuck in my head, mainly the British menu theme.
  7. It could be the design of your vehicle. Not all things will function the same.
  8. Person 1: "You can't shoot me! I have diplomatic immunity!"
  9. I was watching some unfinished episodes on youtube and I found that the shot where the gunship flies into a hangar in the cliff (where anakin, rex, and the other person are standing), is the exact same one used in the new trailer. I'm thinking that all they are doing is just finishing the unfinished episodes, and rebranding it as a new season. Won't fool me!
  10. "Kill him! Kill him now!" "I shouldn't, it's not the jedi way" "Do it" Taken from the making of a meme on Reddit about the new Clone Wars season
  11. So it is back for everybody, and I'm not just hearing things?
  12. Pretty simple. I'm from Australia
  14. So, for example: Person 1: "Hello there" Person 2: "General Kenobi! You are a bold one" OR Person 1: "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum" Person 2: "But I'm all out of gum" You may provide the quote source, or make people guess it. Your choice!
  15. *Jumps down from behind* "Hello there" Welcome to the forums!
  16. Is it just me, or did the notification sound just come back? I heard it this morning!
  17. Lo_Var_Lachland.exe has stopped working. Windows is trying to diagnose the problem
  18. This is incredibly unrealistic for the developers to add to the game (except the crater part).
  19. No. KSP EE does not provide any keyboard functionality, it was patched several months ago.
  20. So you're firing the engines after you've gone out of warp (or at 1x speed), and they don't want to start? You might have enough fuel, but you also need oxidizer. I have an idea: Using the Xbox DVR, record a short video about the problem. Upload it to YouTube, and then send it to the Forums. We'll be able to get a better idea of the issue from that.
  21. To stop your devices from having independence and free thought To make them silent if your in a meeting or something?
  22. Hello! I was just looking at some of my old replies, and saw that I now have four dots under my name! Yay! Can't wait to reach 5!
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