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  1. Oh! Weird. I thought this came with kspi extended. I suppose it could have come from somewhere else. I feel dumb... lol thanks a ton though!
  2. Here are some pics of the vessels. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. As You can see I set up a little test scenario. jpg images
  3. So, been browsing for a while trying to find some clarification on a couple things regarding microwave power transmission. The microwave transducer can be set to various bandwidths, how does this effect the reciever? Do I need to set up recievers appropriately in regards to the microwave bandwidth being transmitted? Also the circular rectenna, it's description states that it can function on specific bandwidths that need to be configured in the VAB. How does one go about configuring that in the VAB? Sorry if I missed this information stated obviously somewhere. I have set up a microwave transducer base station at KSC for testing purposes, and have attached a circular rectenna to the bottom of a power hungry quad copter and for the LIFE OF ME cannot get it to recieve power from the transducer, even though it says 1/1 sat.s connected.
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