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Everything posted by Cykyrios

  1. Fixed the title for you
  2. Wait, you jumped with a rover on a 0.005g moon, and you didn't fly into orbit? (I'm sure this is because of the cart plugin's "gravity compensation" or something ) I think Eve was already confirmed to be a planet, and the moon from which Nova's rover jumped should be its own moon (its apparent size is quite big).
  3. Please people, stick to discussing 0.17 features only. You can find the list here. HarvesteR did mention an FTL device, but this should not be coming anytime soon.
  4. Nova's Development album is on the left bar on his profile (maybe you can't see it due to your post count). The 0.17 discussion thread is your best bet to find pictures, or you can try this one. Oh, and I'm sure you can also find the latest posts of a person, so you could check Nova's posts too.
  5. You can bring the ToD to 0 for each of them, or even delete them from the persistence file, and they will (maybe, haven't actually tried) be the first to respawn.
  6. If at all possible, it would need an almost perfect bullseye (minor corrections allowed), but even then, it would only work once, as the orbit plane would rotate around the Mun.
  7. My method (not the most efficient) would be to launch all five satellites, almost at random, on their orbit. Once they're up there, I'd fine-tune their orbits so they're roughly at the desired positions relative to each other. The most efficient method would probably be a test flight so you know how long it takes for your satellite to reach its orbit. Using this and the period of its orbit, you could find the right time to launch the others. The only problem is that you need almost perfectly identical launches for this to work.
  8. Here you are: http://fr.twitch.tv/kurtjmac/b/328128129 (edit: I was ninja'd, but this link will get you directly to the video) The interesting part starts at 3 hours or so, I believe, and lasts till the end of the video. A reminder, though, for everyone who would watch it: DO NOT talk about anything that is not related to 0.17, as Damion warned in the previous thread.
  9. The problem comes mostly from the atmosphere, and also from the way you perform your gravity turn. Depending on the altitude you want to reach and your ascent profile, you may spend more or less time in the atmosphere, and turn at a different time/altitude. I'm no pro in this field though, but I'm sure you can extrapolate if you add a little margin of error.
  10. File compatibility was broken at least once since 0.13 (I'm speaking of .craft compatibility only), due to the added parts and other changes. So my guess is that you cannot get them to work in the demo.
  11. I'm pretty sure the quick flight scenarios will work the same way the scenarios work now. They're basically a saved persistence file that you can read, but not write (opening a scenario overwrites your current persistence.sfs with the contents of the scenario). Except we will have an option to save such scenarios from in-game, instead of copy/pasting them.
  12. Most probably, but you would have to take a lot of parameters into account: gravity loss, turning loss, drag loss when there's an atmosphere... Then you need a way to compute all this. MechJeb has a feature that shows you deltaV expenditure, but I'm not sure it can estimate how much deltaV it's going to use to get into orbit. Once you are in orbit, though, things get much simpler.
  13. EnhancedCookie, please spoiler your reaction images next time, especially rainbow-colored ones, that's a bit aggressive to the eye.
  14. Nova said that for the time being, it's a normal planet, but if you go into its surface, bad things happen. Navigating in its surroundings will prove to be both challenging and fun, as the moons seem quite close to each other (or are they all just really big?).
  15. If cfg edits of drag are allowed, just use a -1 value for a single tank, make a rocket that comprises a pod, this tank and any engine, lift off, and watch as you are flung at ridiculously high speeds before even leaving the atmosphere
  16. Phew, took me way more time than I thought it would (I had a few failed missions). Here are my 2 satellites in kerbosynchronous orbit, and 3 more in a 300 km orbit: And here are the 3 sats around Minmus that ensure a permanent communication with the lander mission: However, I forgot that the lander engine for the new size 3 pod was so underpowered, and the rocket crashed on the surface, leaving only the pod undamaged: At least the goals set by this challenge were all achieved
  17. Do you mean, get in Minmus orbit from the surface of Minmus, or from Kerbin? If it is the former, it is doable with a Kerbal's EVAPack (you can even try to get back to Kerbin, but I don't remember if I managed that or not...).
  18. Alright then, I guess I'll have at least 3, should be enough anyway with the 2 satellite at kerbosynchronous altitude. To use the multi-quote function, you have to click the multi-quote button on each post you want to quote, and then click on "Reply to Thread": this will add the quotes to the quick reply box.
  19. Everything you need is between "KW Rocketry" and the Ceres logo. I guess you'd want to click on the two 0.16 links, unless you want the low-res version, in which case the links are in the second post.
  20. The "module" can have only one parameter, but PartModules are indeed there to allow for multiple functionalities. However, you have to use a specific syntax to call them, and we don't even know if they are all properly coded or not. I'm sure there was a list of modules on the wiki, but it seems the page was deleted (probably obsolete anyway). I, myself, am eager to use these, but we'll have to wait a bit. Ladders and airlocks can be added to any part, though (following DYJ's tutorial on the wiki).
  21. Hey BustedEarLobes, I just wanted to remind you that you can edit your posts so you don't double post (I'm talking about your 2 posts that are just a minute apart). Regarding your challenge, I think that something similar was going on shortly after the satellite relay mod was released, so less people are prone to take the challenge again. I'm willing to do it though, and have a little question: beyond the 2 kerbosynchronous orbits limit, can we have as many satellites as we want?
  22. Only older posts from the previous forum that have no name for the spoilers don't work anymore. As long as you write , it will display correctly. True, but colors that are too intense (such as RGB 255,0,0 or perfect green or blue, even yellow) can also be difficult to look at and make your eyes feel painful. I wouldn't want to look at an almost perfectly green ground for too long...
  23. Well, green isn't my favorite color, but I still think this planet looks pretty cool. And after all, KSP is based on real physics, but in a simplified way, and I don't think this realism will ever extend to the color of planets. Kerbin is already around 10 times as dense as Earth, but is an otherwise very similar planet, so I don't see what could be shocking having a green or purple planet. I have to say though, that real-life yellow and blue gas giants do look awesome.
  24. I heard somewhere that the arch has some sort of invisible wall making it impossible to pass through in 0.16, so isn't it impossible? (or this wall of death is just for Kerbals?) And if 0.15 counts, here is what I managed:
  25. I have seen way too many screenshots featuring the magnificent window borders, and sometimes a bit of the background as well. PrintScreen is an all-purpose way of doing it, but using built-in functions should be the way to go, as they will always and automatically capture only the useful part of the screen (the game render, that is). So I'd suggest to do what Vanamonde said and use F1 for you pictures.
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