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Everything posted by Cykyrios

  1. Cykyrios

    Skunky is back

    Welcome back, Capt'n! Good to see you again.
  2. While it is not possible to remove crew from the pod without editing it, you can launch a mission and EVA one or two Kerbals to free seats, and then rendezvous with those you want to rescue.
  3. Well, there has been one thread created shortly after 0.17 was released, and I don't think 0.18 features should be discussed (or guessed, really), and we should wait for an official announcement about this update. I'm locking this thread, and I ask everyone not to create a new thread about this for the time being, as there will be plenty of time to discuss these features once we know them
  4. The server move brings one big advantage: the forum/site and downloads are separated, which means that even under heavy load (such as after a new update), the forum and KSP site will still work, instead of dying under the pressure. Updates might still cause trouble for some, though.
  5. Kerbals are 1m tall, using the default rescaleFactor of 1.25 (so they truly are 1.25m tall, but the game considers them as being 1m tall). If this explanation is confusing, just assume Kerbals are 1m^^ (and do not change the rescaleFactor)
  6. Salut et bienvenue sur le forum ! En tant que modérateur français, je pourrais éventuellement me lancer dans la traduction également, mais je devrai voir avec mes disponibilités. Par contre je ne sais absolument pas si quelqu'un a déjàcommencé ou non.
  7. Kerbin should be about 54° ahead of Eve in its orbit when you transfer. You can check olex's calculator for more details. The difficult part is accounting for Eve's inclination, which is why I transfer as close as possible, then try to match its orbit before entering its SoI. It shouldn't be that inefficient (losses are mainly due to the inlination change), and should get you there everytime. As for the rocket, go big, with nuclear engines
  8. What The Destroyer said, they can be found here and here.
  9. On the windows version, you can force P-warp by pressing Alt in addition to the normal commands (which is very useful at low altitudes over moons that have no atmosphere). On a Mac, I can't really help you, but you should try some key combinations (maybe Command, maybe something else). E: Ninja'd
  10. This might be possible in a future update, thanks to this. In the mean time, I suggest you learn a bit more about orbits and how to affect them to do what you want. Knowing this will help you tremendously. I made a , though I might have to make another, more in-depth one.Good luck!
  11. Version 0.17 now features tutorials, one of which explains how to use the navball. If you are playing the demo, the basics are as following: - Yellow circle is your prograde vector - the direction you're moving - Yellow crossed circle is your retrograde vector - the opposite direction - Purple markers point to KSC (and KSC 2, apparently) Other than that, you just have to read the coordinates, but that won't tell you what you have to do in which situation, though.
  12. First of all, welcome to the forums Since 0.16, there has been some rebalancing of the parts, and this makes some things a bit more difficult than before. However, if you could get to the Mun in the demo, there's no reason the rocket you used then couldn't get there anymore (but it may need a few more fuel tanks). If you want to get a three-man rocket there, though, it will require a bit more work, as you have to get used to the size 2 engines as well. I'm sure that after some trial and error, you will most probably be able to return to the Mun, and then get to other moons and planets. Good luck!
  13. I think this is because you need to define a node for radial attachments - can't check right now, but I remember I saw this in another part.cfg file, and this node tells you how far from its center it has to attach. For parts made with the KSP Part Tools, though, I think surface attachments follow the colliders.
  14. Well, not really. First of all, an equatorial orbit around Kerbin has an inclination of 0°. The problem is that you can't really adjust your inclination from within Kerbin's SoI, because inclination changes rotate your orbit around an axis that passes through both your ship and the body you're orbiting (Kerbol for interplanetary missions), and you have to maneuver at a specific place to align your orbit with Eve's. I don't have a tutorial ready for this, but you should burn at the intersection of the two orbital planes.
  15. You have two options: you can either upload your .craft file directly to the forum by attaching it, or upload it to a file hosting site and copy the link here. Cheers
  16. Here are the inclination values I got: Moho: 7° Eve: 2.1° Kerbin: 0° Duna: 0.06° Jool: 1.3°
  17. Here, have a Duna and a Jool: You can even see Ike and one of Jool's moons (I don't know which, though). That screenshot is 1280x720, AAx8, but the moons still flickered, and I had to take several pictures to get this one. I also zoomed in the most I could.
  18. Meh, honestly, there shouldn't have been such a thread in the first place. Without an official announcement about the features for 0.18, things are likely to get out of hand more quickly. Anyway, as this is an unofficial thread, off-topic is more difficult, so our only real concern will be that everyone follows the general rules of the forum. And yeah, don't yell at SQUAD for whatever reason, only constructive criticism is welcome, and you know you love them anyway
  19. Hey people, remember, this thread is about the easter eggs, not what can be considered cheating or not Also, everyone, try to spoiler your pictures, and add an explanatory title, so we don't accidentally see something we don't want to.
  20. Actually, scale only rescales the attach nodes What you're looking for here is rescaleFactor, which is 1.25 by default. Changing this will scale the model and its colliders, as well as the nodes. And since C7 just posted this: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/entry.php/168-Modders-Corner-Getting-Started-Modding-KSP
  21. Wow, that's one big rocket. Using this, you should probably be able to go to the Mun, but you may want to change your staging a bit. And of course, to go to the Mun, you should try to align your orbital plane, and to do this, you need to head East (90°) when orbiting. You can also follow , or look for advice on the forum.Welcome to the forum, and happy launching!
  22. Welcome to the forums xangrybritx If you want to make your plane stable, try the CoM and CoL indicators on the lower left part of the screen. However, putting them close to each other isn't enough, and you'll have to fiddle with your design until you're happy with it. Good luck! Also, moving this to How To.
  23. The only dev post supporting the "no docking" thing was Nova, explicitly saying "docking won't be in 0.18". But since he just said plans had changed, we are left in speculation as always This seems to depend on people, some have better frame rates, some are having more trouble with 0.17...
  24. Yup, please read the rules, talk of piracy is not allowed here, be it about KSP or anything else. Thread closed. EDIT: Well, after re-reading the rules myself, my previous decision is kind of wrong, since this thread is more about "people who pirate". Re-opening, but I will be watching this closely. However, as RC1062 said, there's not much more than "DRMs are a pain for customers, pirates manage to break them anyway".
  25. Thread closed indeed. He's not the only one playing KSP and making videos of it, but he did interview them, which helped spreading the word about the game, and that's why they made a special Kerbal for him
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