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Everything posted by MrSnappyTurtles

  1. I said its the T-RP return Chute And i was doing some LES tests and the chute opens but does not slow the craft down it just keeps going faster
  2. I am getting a bug where the T-RP return chute opens but does not slow the craft down
  3. Does anyone still use this because i miss when everyone was using it
  4. Can i just copy and paste the new patch over 1.0
  5. I have a problem with the mercury parachute. I did a quick flight to 4km and all the way down the chute says cannot open reason too high
  6. anyone still active that joined before me
  7. I wonder why i wasnt effected by the crash
  8. same month as you yea im 1764
  9. I remember 0.8.5 all i tried to do then was go as fast as i can
  10. I just hate when i get the camera glitch
  11. Lol i totally read over that edit just realized i did copy and paste it to the new location and it didnt help
  12. Ok i moved it but the problem is still happening and it happens at 6k meters
  13. Ok here is the output log https://www.dropbox.com/s/nj8lh18mwejpgxy/output_log.txt?dl=0
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