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  1. 0.5 has been released. Next up is completing the Shuttle EVA set, adding more female clips for the Shuttle set, fixing Soyuz (again), and maybe some ISS stuff.
  2. Finally got around to releasing 0.4, I had it mostly finished a few months ago. Real life stuff left updating the mod the last thing on my mind for a while. @Gordon Dry Removed the voidnoise.ogg and quindar_02.ogg from the final version of 0.4. I'll see if I can get them working next release.
  3. Nice, always thought Testflight was the one causing massive lag when I ignite my engines.
  4. I'm running an experiment in Realism Overhaul with SXT and RemoteTech on Mit transmission rates for an add-on. I've changed the passive antenna of the Sputnik core itself (from SXT) to have a transmit rate of 0.5625 Mits/sec and packet interval of 0.4. When I transmit data in-game I get a transmit rate of 1.41 Mits/sec! Can anyone explain why this happens?
  5. Real Chatterer Real Chatterer is an add-on for the mod Chatterer that replaces the kerbal gibberish with recordings of real astronauts, cosmonauts, and even satellites. Real Chatterer is chiefly meant for Realism Overhaul and Real Solar System players to give them a more immersive experience while using Chatterer. UPDATE (2/22/20) V0.5 is released! V0.5 includes several new clip sets from Gemini and Mercury. UPDATE (11/17/19) V0.4 is released! V0.4 includes a new space shuttle chatterer set with 111 clips. Real Chatterer includes: 111 clips from Space Shuttle flights (Modern LEO and HEO flights). 85 Apollo clips from Apollo 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 (Apollo-era LEO, HEO, and Lunar flights). 25 Apollo EVA clips from Apollo 11, 12, 14 and 15 (Apolla-era 2+ Lunar EVA). 66 Gemini clips from Gemini 4, 9A, 10, and 11 (Longer duration pre Apollo-era LEO flights). 12 Gemini EVA clips from Gemini 4 and 10 (Earliest EVAs). 97 Mercury clips (divided among three sets) from Mercury-Redstone 3 & 4, and Mercury-Atlas 6. (Earliest manned flight, suborbital and LEO). 49 Soyuz clips (Apollo-era/modern LEO and HEO for Soviets). 19 Vostok and Voskhod clips. (Early manned flight, suborbital and LEO for Soviets). Several new beeps including authentic sounds from Sputnik 1, Sputnik 3, Vanguard, Explorer 1, Explorer 7, Polyot 1, Proton 1, Proton 4, Relay 1, SECOR 3 and Cosmos 177. Disclaimer: I don't speak Russian so I can't guarantee that the Russian clips make any sense at all. Dependencies: Chatterer (0.9.97) Recommendations: Realism Overhaul and it's dependencies Real Solar System DOWNLOAD: Download for Real Chatterer How to Install: 1. Install Chatterer, if your a Realism Overhaul player, install the chatterer version appropriate for your version of RO and KSP. 2. Unzip 'Real Chatterer 0.5.zip' 3. Open folder 'Real Chatterer 0.5' 4. Open Gamedata inside of 'Real Chatterer 0.5' 5. Place Chatterer folder in your gamedata, override when asked. 6. Open Chatterer in-game by clicking on the grey microphone in the toolbar. 7. In the settings tab of Chatterer, enable 'Show Advanced Options.' 8. In the 'Chatter' tab, click on the directory name box and remove the text. Input "realapollo" without the quotation marks or any spaces and hit load. Repeat for "realvostok" "realsoyuz" "realapolloeva" "realshuttle" "realgemini" "realgeminieva" "realmercurysub" "realmercuryalt" "realmercuryorbit" and "realshuttleeva" 9. Adjust chatterer settings such as chatter frequency and volume. Assign a button for the 'Insta-chatter key' under settings if your need for talking is urgent. If Chatterer is not working, or does not appear in the toolbar, you've probably installed the wrong version of Chatterer or messed up the installation. If Chatterer is too quiet, try turning up Chatter volume or increasing the Ambience volume in your settings menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Audio is sourced from Sven's Space Place, NASA Audio Collection and Matthias Bopp's Sounds from Space
  6. @DMagic Yup, I just forgot to apply the changes to the prefab! Thanks for your time.
  7. I'm having a bit of an issue with my KSPedia. When I add an image it doesn't show up in-game! I've tried messing with the image and it won't appear for me. Image in Unity and Image in Game
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