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  1. oh ok thx, yeah i have already tried that and classified that state as not working (imo) , thought there might has been progression im not aware of. but the thx for the reply
  2. @EnzoMeertens thats awesome News, thank you very much, take your time and good luck with your company @Burning Kan really it works with 1.4!? are we talking about the normal 1.3 version or a recompiled version?
  3. Ok i made a quick heightmapfix to fit with the 3,2x rescale but i cant test it. Feel free if you want to try them and the normal ones just in case
  4. just to understand correct: you need cfg files for ksc switcher for kerbin rescaled x10 !? i made a ksc swichter cfg for normal-scaled kerbin with 2 additional bases (kind of spacex and baikonur counterparts)
  5. I would be totally satisfied if the Reentry Particle Effect (which afaik already was in the game at some state) would be added to the new effects. What i really like about the new reentry effect is that it has way less impact on the performance than the old one.
  6. ah i see, thx. yeah thats definitly explaining the problem. but it also doesnt set the inclination of laythe as written in the opm-patch-cfg from scotskerb (still dont know why) Edit: I added the Kopernicus cfg from Principia in another cfg and removed the laythe entry from scotskerbs cfg (since i didnt have any effect) all works now as it should, thx again
  7. Tried the OPM Patch too, Sarnus System seems to be stable, but Jool System is unstable again. Did i miss something?
  8. Thx, that was exactly the answer i was looking for in the Kopernicus Thread!
  9. Is there another way to Fix the NullReferenceException spam with terrain scatters, instead of updating to Kopernicus 1.4.3-1 which it wont let me do cause of KSP 1.4.2? Solved!
  10. Not working for me so far o0, which version do you use? I tried the one for 1.3 but seems not to work
  11. Can I disable the Depth of Field Effect by Setting the Focus_Distance Value to 0, in the cfg? Or is there more I have to do for that. Awesome Mod so far. Thx.
  12. About the visible Eyes and Teeth problem in context with TRR mod (sry if its already known, but i couldnt find something about it in both threads) You can simply disable and enable them ingame with the TRR menu, also inflight. Can provide Pictures tommorow if needed. Just in case someone needs this... @klgraham1013 maybe 1. Click on the TTR Menu Button. 2.Click on Heads Menu. 3.Set the Values for Eyes, Pupils and Teeth to 0. 4. Continue enjoying Through the Eyes of a Kerbal Mod.
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