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Everything posted by Ricokoster

  1. http://ricokoster.imgur.com/all/ this is my imgur account , i had to recreate the rocket because i didn't save it last time :(, this time it came in around 10 minutes and 40 seconds. the last stage (the one with 4 vector engines) is used at the 1000KM mark, you burn straight down, and then you wait. mods used were kerbal engineer. hyperedit was installed but not used.
  2. i will try to do it shortly, don't really have much time at the moment i'm impressed! you did a great job. this the first challenge i ever created on this website. so there is some space (Ha, get it? because Kerbal Space Program. no? ik i'll stop) for improvements
  3. i could have done it faster by deploying my parachutes later though
  4. Challenge: For this challenge, you will need to make a Rocket (No SSTO's or space planes allowed) that goes to minmus an back to kerbin, but you cannot a 'stable' orbit, what i mean by this is that you have to do this all in one go. Expert Mode: do everything else but fly past the moon on the way out and on the way back in! Steps: 1. Build Rocket 2. Fly to minmus (you can orbit around earth first, you have to go straight for minmus) 3. loop back to kerbin (Again, no orbits around minmus either, you have to go straight back) 4. land near the KSP (near as in that you can still see it) 5. Celebrate!!!! Rules: 1. No cheats 2. No Mods 3. Only rockets, no SSTO's and space planes 4. no 'stable' orbits 5. no refueling at a space station, rocket etc. Try making your Rocket as small as possible Have Fun!!!!!
  5. i finished in a good 9 minutes and 25 seconds, i will try to send my craft (in pictures) if requested
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