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Sam ik Kerman

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Everything posted by Sam ik Kerman

  1. Siphon117

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    Posted May 4 (edited)

    Ah, thank you. I was looking around for stock warships, and you're happened to look quite interesting. do you have a youtube account for me to link to, or would you rather I link to this thread?


    Edit: I noticed you don't have a download for the Stealth Gunship. Are you going to keep that one purely to yourself? I don't mean to be rude, but what was the point of showing it off if you won't let other people play with it as well. I'm just curious.

    Edited May 4 by Siphon117


    • Second Most Intelligent Aquatic Life Form
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    Posted May 4 (edited)

    I have a download, on a different post, that was just a joke. :) Linking this page is fine, I don't have a YouTube account, but could you possibly have something like "kerbal government ships built by MiffedStarfish" in the videos? It doesn't really matter if you can't though.I will uptdate all the downloads tomorrow.

    Edited May 4 by MiffedStarfish


    yV_RrghwwENxYdv-jCCzrknh9HcYZYfROi8XAaH8  Rvs3vgQ.jpg goldenkerbal.png My Stock Starship Repository 



    So where is that thread?

    1. MiffedStarfish


      Well, you didn’t really need to copy the entire conversation onto my profile to find that out. :)

      It’s my craft repository, in my signature to the right of the badges.

  2. Where are the craft files for the ships in the gif? And could you please put them for download in a reply? They look pretty cool.
  3. ik Tech is run by Sam ik Kerman, and our current series' are the iksan cruise missile series, and the iko ICBM series. Bdarmory and North Kerbin Dynamics ARE required Links: iko 1 http://www.mediafire.com/file/c7hbch9p2benzps/iko+1.craft , iko 2 http://www.mediafire.com/file/21meg2n9i9y6vff/iko+2.craft , iksan 1 http://www.mediafire.com/file/facfyms8h4frx34/iksan_1.craft
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