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Everything posted by Rolan

  1. Looks like an awesome mod. I will try it soon. How much work to make the satellite orbit time the field to set? I like to have the satellite period be 12 hours, say. The transfer orbit would then be 16 hours for 3 satellites, 15 hours for 4, 14 hours for 6, etc. With RCS, I can get my orbits to within a fraction of a second of these values. RolanCCC
  2. Thanks for the responses. My main complaint was that it is too easy to gain crew and money, just by rescuing Low Orbit losers around Kerbin. And where these guys coming from anyway? How many space programs are on Kerbin? RolanCCC
  3. The rescue missions seem to be too easy. Not only do you get a new Kerbal, you also get paid for it. What's the point of hiring Kerbals at great expense, when you can just snag them from low orbit? Why not limit the number of Kerbals you can rescue, and vary the missions? (I know there is already some variation) Rescue from low, nearly circular orbit, 0 inclination Rescue from low, nearly circular orbit, polar Rescue from some orbit, docking required Rescue from some orbit, Kerbal cannot leave cabin (Klaw required, or capture in a bay) Rescue from high, nearly circular orbit, maybe 2 million meters Rescue from high, very elliptical orbit, 100k at peri, 30M at apo, with Mun interaction likely (prepare for asteroid catching) Rescue from Mun or Minmus orbit, any kind Rescue from Mun surface Maybe a couple more, but that's it. Maybe a Kerbal in orbit and on the surface of the other planets and moons. And how about the space craft the Kerbals are in look like they are trying to do science? Polar orbit rescue has a Kerbal in a craft with the magnetometer (or is that DMagic?). My first post, let me know if this is in the wrong place. Where do bugs go? Rescue missions for me in 1.3.1 where the Kerbal is in the command chair don't have the Kerbal, unless I select that vessel from the Tracking station. Starting from my rescue vessel and tabbing to the rescue-ee always shows nobody home. KSP is an awesome game, I have spent way way too much time on it already, and still love it. RolanCCC
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