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Everything posted by Kerbal-Willie

  1. http://ds4windows.com/ I can't verify this will work with KSP. But it has with all the PC games I've tried it on.
  2. Well, I have an android phone. Through that I cam download applications via the Play Store. Play Store has a few KSP apps you can use like Helper for KSP, KSP Orbicalc and MultiStageDeltaV. There Is also a KSP wiki with a ton of useful IInformation. The apps ask you for a few simple things like which planet you wpuld like to go to and at what altitude or what your crafts mass Is with no fuel and with full fuel to give you readouts. I would post links but Im on my cell phone and the forum doesnt like my phone. If any of this didnt clear anythimg up let ke know.
  3. @StupidAndy I was worried about the Subban trade but he ended up bringing a lot to the ice this season. We had to transition to a 2way neutral zone trap team for defense. But it worked out nicely. Does anyone play NHL 17 on PS4? Add me if so.
  4. Absolutely yes, yes, yes...take all of my yes. I miss Shea Weber and Seth Jones. Cool fact about Seth Jones, his dad was Pop-eye Jones, a very good basketball player In his days and was born near me.
  5. Yes I would love a thinner version. Like the TR-XL separator, even if it comes with disadvantages.
  6. My first career I had quite a few contracts and thought it would be a good idea to take a break from them and just lanuch a Moho mission. Needless to say my reputation took a hit after 5 years in space.
  7. I'm not sure if you'd consider this cheating or not. But this might help. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=an3ZEMFCQpk I guess this will require someunlocking in the tech tree too, so might not help you sorry
  8. @Camacha, Yes many different ones.
  9. I still read the funny loading comments. @Bill Phil are you stationed at Peterson AFB or just like the insignia?
  10. My daughter is a junior attending the senior prom tonight. Any suggestions? (Goes back to cleaning shotgun)
  11. Me doing my best Bob impression when Jeb is flying. (Sorry couldnt get image to flip correctly)
  12. Ok thanks just checking, Im very secure with my password and use many formats Nice job finding out the issue. The moderators here are very good at what they do.
  13. Was this a breach in the stored passwords? Meaning should I be switching my password i use for forums? I bet SSL is looking like a good idea now if thats the case.
  14. I use my cell phone for both the apps and viewing the wiki while I play on the console. The tools just need basic information put in them that you get from in game.
  15. Solved, thank you @Dman979 for your patience. There are some sigs I am able to view with the PS4 browser like yours and the steam card ones and others I can not like exophase gamercards.
  16. No, i'm on the PS4 browser. Which I guess is derived from a mobile browser. And maybe my girlfriend didn't have sigs enabled when she checked on PC or, sigs areturned off by default for guests? Either way I feel silly wasting your time on something so trivial. It's just strange I see everyone elses sigs on this browser.
  17. Yes, sigs are enabled. I do also see other members sigs. I will play around some more with it, Maybe I have it too large or its jut too ugly and forums are like, no sir.
  18. Ok, sorry for the double post. I had my lady check on her desktop and its not showing up on hers either. Does forum sigs need approval from mods? Maybe thats why you're able to see it.
  19. Oh, that is strange. Maybe I don't get to see my own gamercard then. Thanks for the heads up.
  20. Could I get some help with my forum sig? I've tried bbcode, html and juat inserting the url which is how I have it now. In the editor it displays the signature fine but when viewing my posts it just shows a little white box with the .png name. I know im missing something obvious. The sig is from exophase.com for my PSN gamercard.
  21. I was told earlier tonight there should be no conflicts between these calculation tools and the console version.
  22. I'm currently using a few different helpful tools like The parachute calculator And many here Also phone apps like KSP Orbitcalc and MultistageDeltaV So is the console version of 1.0 match the PC's 1.0? And if so, should I only be using the 1.0 tools listed in the wiki? I was hoping some of the tools I listed above would still be accurate enough.
  23. Homefront was one of my favorites, but I am a big Battlefield fan, (the new) BF1 is great.
  24. Would you mind posting a screen shot of your rocket on the launch pad with your staging in view? If it is easier for you, you can send the screen shot to my PSN Willie-Wall
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