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Everything posted by Kerbal-Willie

  1. Have you tried rebuilding your PS4 database? Look here for steps to do so Also I would check your storage space to see how much is free. If its 90% full you'll need to remove some data. Lastly I would try reinstalling the game. If you have PS Plus or a USB stick, backup your save data before. I hope you can get it to work.
  2. I didn't mean for my post to come across as making the OP seem like he was demanding this now. Its a good Idea and I would love to see It or something like this made.
  3. I'm finding 'Helper for KSP' & 'KSP Orbicalc' andriod apps very useful for me while I play on console. Something like OP suggested would be very nice, but I also agree something like that should come after all the work being put into KSP now is finished.
  4. I'm sure most know this but I just found out I can break the electric charge readout on my MPL. Im landed on Minmus and during normal time speed I will run out of my batteries half-way through the night. But if I time warp 10, 000-100, 000 I will stay fully charged through each night. I don't know whats not keeping track, but after a full days test on both im receiving more data processed on warp then not. pssst, don't tell the devs
  5. Hello, losing that ability to place nodes happens to me when i'm trying to click something other then the opened node, like clicking circle to highlight a PE, AP or try to set a target. The L1 (or R1 I believe) moves the mouse icon slower. For example, when I want to move my node around the orbit, you can't click and hold the middle circle to move if the AP or PE texts pop up under it, so I hold L1 and move in slow to catch just the edge of that circle without highlighting anything under it. I can't give you a solid solution, but here is a list of what I do. Try not to have too many auto saved ships, or hit save multiple times in one build. Dont have too many parts placed in red, if you're saving a big section to place later use the subassembly. And I know this isn't ideal, but I always freeze in the plane builder and it seems always after I test then revert to hanger, so i build my plane stuff in the VAB then load into plane hanger for finalization . One last thing is to reboot the game every hour or two.
  6. (For PS4 at least) Try not to use the circle button to highlight an AP, PE or an encounter while you have a node edit open and don't close and reopen node for edits. If I have to reopen a node for an edit the third time, I will just kill the node and start a new. Also don't set targets while node editing. I use the L1 modifier to make sure im selecting what I want.
  7. Nice work, thanks for guide will definitely be watching all of this tonight.
  8. I rebuilt my tourist rocket today, holds 8 tourists and can orbit Mimus and Mun with ease. (In the first picture , can anyone tell me if thats an eclipse or a glitch in the sun? Cool either way!) My old one: My new one:
  9. Thanks for the time and work you put into this, its good news that trophy is obtainable.
  10. Welcome, I too just joined after lurking for a while. This forum is one of the most helpful and respectful communities i've joined for a game and i've joined a few. I've learned so much from this forum.I could read for hours here.
  11. I've froze halfway through the build four times in sandbox mode, which I haven't spent as much time in. I'm going to start an easy career and get everything needed unlocked and try this again. I did notice the clamp'o'tron is very finicky to actually get it to snap correctly on top of the command pod. I could place it as green deadcenter but wasnt aactually connected. I will update soon, sorry for the delay.
  12. @Gunsnipe3795 would you be able to provide a picture of your saturn v? Im trying to follow along with the specs you posted above. But I feel like I've gone astray. You can send it to my psn Willie-Wall if thats easier.
  13. Well my save name is PDC. I play on the PS4 so I'll let someone try to guess the acronym. But I would love to name it Spacewall Aerospacish Industry if I could figure out where to change that at. Is it the flag pole?
  14. Sure, I will do Saturn V. I will also try others until I get it to pop. I'll do my best to get you a video uploaded if I get it to work.
  15. You can by holding IN R1 and moving the right stick right and left. It will also work moving parts up and down If Its selected. I will try to get that trophy tomorrow and let you know tye outcome.
  16. This is what i've done to prevent some of the crashes. I hope it can help you experience less. In general it seems the game has a graphical leak or something because after a couple hours in FPS start dropping. Try to reset application every so often. In VAB, do not have more than 1 autosaved ship in your loads. Do not leave multiple parts placed as red (Not attached to anything) and do not spam the save button. For nodes in map mode, dont ever use the circle button to highlights an AP or PE while you have a node edit open and don't close and reopen node for edits. If I have to reopen a node for an edit the third time, I will just kill the node and start a new. Also don't set targets while node editing. The last crash (I hit the save button twice on a big ship) I had ate my save file, but I was able to restore from a usb backup. if you have PS Plus, go into settings and turn off auto-upload then backup daily. I will only backup once I made the initial save, quit the app and reload to menu to make sure it wasnt corrupted.
  17. Thanks everyone! I will be sure post some content once I start building respectful craft, maybe my Jeb rescue mission. Yes, the bugs on the PS4 do hinder some, but i've found work arounds for the big ones and I still find the console version very enjoyable. If any PS4 user needs help with backing up your save, preventing the node glitch or stopping 'most' crashes in your career, please message me here or shoot me a friend request on PSN Willie-Wall and i'll be happy to try to help.
  18. Yes, my first version made it to mun. I went to undock from middle stage then, BOOM. Those poor poor tourists.
  19. That explains the oscillation I was having. I used the structural box to attach the cabins radially, then offset them. Is there a better way to attach radially?
  20. Lets try this again, hi i'm Willie and I come from the PS4 console.
  21. Or read the post before moderating the content? Im a console player, introducing myself. Anyways, just remove the thread please.
  22. Oh, well I was just introducing myself and the introduction thread did state to ask any starter questions. The title was for play.
  23. I have lurked til I can't lurk any longer! Hello everyone. I do have a question, When does clipping objects matter to performance? I've only partially clipped 4 MK1 crew cabins to just over 1.25m. All 8 tourist fit andI completed the contract. But I noticed it visually altered the crew cameras, cutting the poor kerbals in half. Does clipping parts have a negative effect in any way?
  24. I'm a console player and I want to thank the Squad team for not only allowing KSP to be ported to console but for the extra effort put in to make sure the console version is re'ported by another company to fix amd squash any gamebreakers. Squad could have just hashed the console port up to a bad port and left it at that. No communication or effort to let console players know our issues are being adressed. Just like countless other dev companies have done with even their poor game wrote specifically for console architecture. I know the PC players have much more to be thankful for and rightfully so. Squad has made such an excellent game. A game ive been waiting for ever since I used the shuttle tracker on my old i386 in dosshell. So thank you for bringing this to the console and for the continued effort keeping the release stable.
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