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Posts posted by LoadingTimeExpert

  1. 29 minutes ago, Entr8899 said:

    No, it's not right. The red line is where the engine's node is supposed to be, but the node is roughly at the green line.


    Here's what the node looks like


    When you attach the engine to something, it's way up inside


    I manually adjusted the engine to be where it should be, if you compare this image to the one you posted you can see the engine is supposed to stick out lower.



    I guess it does, idk anymore. Both look "good enough" to me when I compare it to the wiki images

  2. 42 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

    X-15 to the Mun!

    Full album (It's out of order, also, yes, some of the images are in 1440P because I had to downgrade them. Why? Ask imgur why it won't accept the 4K version...): Imgur: The magic of the Internet







    (No, I didn't just do direct reentry from the Mun, I got into low Kerbin orbit then deorbitted.)



    How did you get a larger first stage than the standard S-1C? Parts from another mod?

  3. On 4/11/2024 at 10:53 AM, CobaltWolf said:

    It's actually a tag applied to the individual collider objects in Unity, and can't be changed from cfg or in game at all.


    I should clarify - I'm making experiments for each location, I'm just not sure how many or specifically what.


    Regarding the X-15 experiments, are you going to implement entirely new experiments or existing experiments?

  4. I just started with RP-1, but I cannot build any new rockets. The launch complex I constructed says it has a minimum tonnage as well as a maximum tonnage. This minimum tonnage is 18t, which is significantly larger than the small sounding rockets I am constructing. Is there a way to remove this minimum launch size? changing the configs when I was building the LC didn't work

  5. 1 hour ago, benjee10 said:

    Hmm okay, that is strange. Looks like you have Shaddy installed so the model switch patch is kicking in, but it still can't load the models. So for some reason the shaders Shaddy adds aren't being loaded correctly.

    Can you try doing a clean redownload & reinstall of Shaddy, Shabby and their dependencies? 

    That worked! Thank you very much

  6. Is there a way to make experiments not take so long? I understand some more indepth gravitational studies taking months to years to complete, but a thermometer reading taking, like, 10 minutes, is ridiculous, frankly. When you're sending your first suborbital rockets, you might not even be in space for 10 minutes

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