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Everything posted by Elwood

  1. I have seen many PS4 bugs, but not this one. I have launched with the XL fairing and it worked fine for me.
  2. I have seen this bug before when orbiting Duna, but I thought it was a fluke, or related only to Ike. But now I have seen it with Tylo as well. I am not sure if it is a problem only with moons or all celestial bodies. Basically, my map isn't showing an upcoming encounter. Then suddenly I am in the SOI. I tried reloading, making an earlier maneuvering point, but the encounter never shows up until it is too late. Has anyone else encountered this and have some sort of work around? Or is it another bug that just has to be accepted? Here is an example of what I am seeing. Here I have setup a braking maneuver with Laythe. According to the map, I will pass by Tylo: A couple hours later, I have this:
  3. You can copy the save files to USB through the Setting menu, Application Saved Data Mgmt, Saved Data in System Storage, Copy to USB Storage. I just used an old USB drive I had laying around, and now it stays in the PS4. I also take the backup a step further and alternate backups between online storage and USB. This was after I once found out that the save file I backed up was also corrupted. Kerbal-Willie, thanks for the info regarding in-game notices and the removal of save files. I have seen that once too, I think. I don't remember the outcome, probably had to restore from backup.
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