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Dim A

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  1. No, I just photographed 2 different parts of the stock flap and flap from the mod Cormorant Aeronology - Mk3 Space Shuttle
  2. Do you plan to update the Buran for KSP v1.3?
  3. The orbital ship Buran: Buran Blueprints: http://img15.nnm.me/6/5/d/4/2/efee282f784d551c32d72505455.jpg Buran Photo: A site about Buran: http://www.buran.ru/
  4. Buran: 1) Flaps: the upper part should be: The lower part should be like this: 2) service module Buran should look like this: 1) smoothing in the upper part: 2) the smoothing at the bottom: Well, with a Buran all. The Shuttle and the Shuttle C seems to be in order. And so a good mod
  5. The orbital ship Buran: Site about Buran: http://www.buran.ru/htm/mtkkmain.htm
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