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Winston L

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  1. According to the activity monitor i have 40% of ram free, I tried to remove those 2 mods but the result is the same, I'll try removing the other mods and see what happens. How do i block the auto update on CKAN? i thought they were manual since when i start the game i get a message that there are new version of some mods.
  2. Hi, i'm experiencing a bug with RO for ksp 1.1.3 and i started a topic in the technical support forum, should i post it here? since i read that in some cases it is best to post in the mod thread. Thanks for your time
  3. Hi everyone, First of all i'm new to this forum (even though i'm following it for a long time now) and i want to thank you all for the wonderful job you're doing with it. I'm experiencing a bug with my install, All the science equipment stopped working, more precisely i can't right click them, only the film return camera displays the option of opening the doors but i can' run the experiment, after some testing i found out that only the magnetometer boom and the plasma detector are working proprerly. This bug occured during a Carrer save file, all of a sudden it stopped working (i noticed it after a moon landing) and only the vessel built and launched before that mission have working science equipment. The last mod i installed was FASA, i tried to disinstall it and start a new carrer but the bug is still there. Here is the list of mods i have installed: Soviet Probes v2.0 Soviet Rockets 1:v2.1 Stock Extension v.25.2 TACLS v0.12.3.2 TACLS RO config v11.3.2 Taerobee Stockalike x-1_more 1.2.3 Tantares 36.0 Tantares LV TextureReplacer v2.4.13 Toolbar 1.7.12 Universal Storage US Probes Pack v0.53 Ven’s Stock Part Revamp v1.9.5 Soviet Engine Pack 0.1 Soviet Engine plugin v2.3 SmokeScreen Extended FX Plugin Skylab v1.5 ShipManifest ScanSat v16.6 Rocketdyne F-1 1.2 RemoteTech v1.7.1 Realistic Progression 0 v0.51 RO Craft files v11.3.2 RO v11.3.2 Real Heat v4.3 RealChute v1.4.1.1 RSS Texture 4096x2048 v.10.4 RSS v.11.4.0 Real Scale boosters 0.14.5 Real Plume 2:v10.5.1 Real Fuels rf-v11.3.1 RCS Build Aid v0.8.1 Procedural Parts v1.2.5 Procedural Fairings - For Everything v0.2.0 Procedural Fairings v.3.17 Persistent Rotation 1.8 Near Future spacecraft 0.5.1 Solar Core 0.6.2 Solar 0.6.2 Propulsion 0.7.4 IVA Props 0.5.1 Construction 0.6.4 Module Manager 2.6.25 Modular Flight Integrator MechJeb2 KSP AVC KSC Switcher 0.6 Copernicus Planetary System Modifier 2:release 1.1.3-1 Kerbal Renamer 0.6 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v3.2 KAS Hangar Extender 1:v3.4.8 Forgotten Real Engines Firespitter Resources coffin v7.3.0 Firespitter core v7.3.0 Filter Extensions - Plugin FAR 3: Dmagic Orbital Science 1.3.2 Deadly Reentry Continued v7.4.7.1 Custom Barn Kit Contract Configurator 1.19.0 Connected Living Space Community Tech Tree 1:2.4 Community Resource Pack BahamutoD Animation Modules 1:v0.6.3.1 B9 Part Switch v1.4.3 B9 Aerospace Procedural Wings - Fork 1:0.40.7 Atomic Age 3.2 Antares.Cygnus 1:v1.1 Advanced Jet Engine v.2.7.2 FASA 5.44 All of this mods except FASA were installed using CKAN. And here is the link to the player log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u1d25xfh8yab8a7/Support.zip?dl=0 The game version is 1.1.3 and i'm running Mac OS X. I apologize for my english, i hope that what i wrote it's clear. Thanks for your time and your help.
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