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Everything posted by Kerbinkind

  1. ok, thanks ill go to the KIS thread, because the inventory button isnt there on my kerbal once in EVA and while the button is there on the container, it doesnt do anything (the inventory doesnt open if clicked on from EVA)
  2. thank you, i didnt realise there was a KIS thread, I just googled and found myself here with the exact same issue, i am using the ISC-6k container, but the problem is i cant access my kerbal's inventory once in EVA, and how do i put one part in several kerbals inventories?
  3. I have this issue as well, I can't access my inventory once in EVA but i can open the inventories while on board the vessel, so i can get the tools, but i can't equip them (id also appreciate knowing how to attach an item thats too heavy for a 1 kerbal to take)
  4. Thanks Cripp, i see some logs it spat out previously when the game has crashed, but i cant find any current logs (the last time my game crashed was late last year) is there any way i can get some current logs?
  5. Hi all, Every time i try to update my module manager from 2.6.25 to 2.7.5 the parachutes no longer work, and when i put 2.6.25 back to the drag physics seem to be broken, am i installing this correctly? (just copying it into the GameData file and removing the old Module Manager) also how can i get the log files? my KSP is saved in a different drive to the standard C: drive and i cant seem to find them thanks for the help
  6. All good, i ended up un-installing and re-installing, everything fixed
  7. I currently have no Squad folder in the locallow folder, the only "squad" folder on my computer (through the search function) is in the GameData in my KSP file
  8. Hi Brent, thanks for the response, i think it does indeed have something to do with the module manager, i was running both of them when this problem appeared, however, i removed 2.7.5 and i still had a problem, i just removed 2.6.25 and tried 2.7.5 by itself but i still get the original problem (where i cannot interact with the parachutes at all, as if it were just a visual piece) I am new to modding etc, i ran stock for a long time, how would i go about getting the .log file a lot of mod devs want before they will help you? I also noted just now, while trying out module manager 2.7.5 that my control surfaces do not work and i am unable to interact with them either in flight or in the SPH/VAB Thanks Kerbinkind
  9. Hi all, i decided to add some new mods to KSP the yesterday day (I last played before that on Monday). Since then the parachutes haven't been working (un-clickable, dont show in staging, do not deploy, however i can still put them onto the craft in the VAB/SPH) I have since uninstalled the mods and they still do not work, however the staging and setting of the parachutes are now settable and they still deploy, the drag mechanic does not seem to work on them however, drag works correctly on the rest of the craft. My previous (and now current again) mod status is: -FAR -MechJeb2 -KAC -Nodesplitter using ModuleManager.2.6.25 I installed the following (after which the parachutes no longer worked) -Planetshine -DockingPort alignment indicator -Stock Visual Enhancements -Environment Visual enhancements -Re-entry particle effect Using Module manager 2.7.5 i have a folder in my GameData which is ModularFlightIntegrator i do not recall downloading this (it is not in my KSP downloads folder which i download all the .zip files to) i assume it is stock from squad but unsure Yes i have checked to make sure these mods are up to date and compatible (should not matter if i uninstall though?) I play 64bit btw if you need some more info to help me out, just say so and i'll be happy to supply it Thanks in advance! Kerbinkind
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