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  1. Hi there, 
    I'm currently using your mod and really enjoy it, but I seem to be bad at building a good Falcon Heavy since the rocket sideboosters seem to go into the main core in the VAB.
    Is there a possiblity that you could send a ship file for the VAB of the Falcon Heavy?

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      Well I don't have them as a ship.file for the VAB

      oh and to the landing with the Boosters, I want to do it more synchronised, I saw many YT- Videos where the fly and land simultaneously


    3. harrisjosh2711


      I said .ship I meant .craft. what you mean right? I mean I tested that the craft files were working before the update and they are. Not much I can really do for you since you installed via CKAN if you would like to do a manual install I would be happy to walk you through that. Its simple, to install paste my gamedata folder into the same folder as your KSP gamedata folder and wala. To delete open up your gamedata and delete the JNH folder. 

      Before that make sure that you have "include stock vehicles" checked in the settings.

      As to returning both boosters simultaneously you will need to learn programming. Those people are likely using KOS.



      I see, well thank you for the help 

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