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Everything posted by harrisjosh2711

  1. I find it entertaining that when you worry about your computer getting stolen or corrupted that you think of your KSP save. Jebidiah would be proud.
  2. I'm not a fan of time-frame questions but I realize a lot of you want that IVA..... Trust me I feel you. I'm going to be tied up for the majority of this week with exams. I stayed up til 6am this morning to get that latest release out. But I likely wont have the time to mess with it again till this coming weekend. I would say in the next two weeks it should be ready . If you get lucky next weekend. The IVA is definitely the next thing I will finish. In fact IVA's are about all that's left for this mod after this weekends build-a-thon. Yes I need to address that. The problem right this second is they are actually in the configs for the parts. That was never intended I accidently loaded my personal configs to my GitHub. I let it slide because it doesn't work unless you re using the mod that adds the resources.
  3. Yea, ill do my best to remember to include configs for it next release. I switch between the two depending on my mood. I'm just using TAC-LS right now.
  4. Newest release is now available. Added new dragon1 trunk and aerodynamic solar panel covers. Added four fuel tanks, an interstage decoupler, cluster of 9 merlin engines with multi-mode capability, merlin vacuum engine. You can now build the Kerbalized SpaceX falcon9 and Falcon9 FT. All Tanks include a small area at the top to store an RCS tank/battery/probe core. The upper stage tanks have built in decouplers. Added tweakscale for most things.
  5. Its really easy to do. if you set the re-scale = x value in cfg's. .66 should be somewhere very close to 5m. Alternatively, re-scale = 1.2 should be 9m The difficult part is balancing it.
  6. You are the second person to tell me that. How about we kill the 3.75 BFR and make it a 5m BFR? I plan on making a real scale BFR the moment I can play with it in RO. Until then someone else will have to do it because I'm not getting paid or playing 1.2.2.
  7. Perhaps that could be the answer to revisit the engines. I think I may have set the fuel that way for balance reasons. I'm starting to see an issue I'm not sure how to solve. Mainly being that orbital velocity in KSP is approximately 2200 ms. You could just go to far with the BFR in stock scale, considering it is designed to operate at real scale potential(It is just capable of tugging 150 tons into LKO). If you increase fuel in the BFR pod you will need to increase thrust in the booster engines or you loose payload capability. That means you will get into orbit of kerbin with far to much fuel (making it absolute cheating). The answer would be to decouple from the booster earlier. But that is a problem. Say your booster gets you half of orbital velocity. On earth, you still need to gain around 4100 ms to get into orbit. In kerbin only 1100ms. That means the engines would need to be so horribly inefficient that you would burn atleast 45000(half-tank) units of fuel to gain 1100 ms. Real life just doesn't quit convert to the kerbal world. If you have changed the thrust and the ISP your BFR is far capable of what it is designed to be.
  8. @eskimo22 I read your post wrong if you seen the previous answer I wrote. Yes according to its size it should be holding more fuel. Not quite a simple as just changing the fuel amount though. You would also need to adjust the thrust on the engines, and possibly the ISP. Add more fuel the rocket wont leave the launch pad or you will be leaving super inefficient wasting a quarter of fuel before reaching a decent TWR. I suppose the best solution would be to increase fuel and engine thrust accordingly. Thanks for pointing that out to me I will figure something out for the next release
  9. Yes, it will be coming with the IVA. I don't think its going to be 50. I think I have the current IVA set up somewhere around thirty kerbals. The problem with that is all the kerbals will need a seat. That is a significant amount of geometry. You try to make things for a game with a little geometry as possible. An alternative would be to include the mod that lets you see the portrait of parts without an IVA
  10. Sure, ill try to remember to set that up for next release.
  11. Launched the first test flight of my new Falcon 9 family of rockets. legs and fins are KRE
  12. First Test Flight- Landing legs and fins from KRE. Oh finished a cluster of 9 merlin engines that can toggle just like the rest.
  13. Shorten the upper stage, stretch the booster, switch them. Now we have two.
  14. @Bottle Rocketeer 500 I'm not really a huge fan of the auto shrouds in ksp. Its actually designed so it can be pieced together without shrouds. All the tanks also a have small cubby hole in the top so you can put either a RCS tank/probe core/etc... because I also hate how some of the RCS tanks stick out like a soar thumb. Its is an extra part but everything is designed to help save on parts.
  15. Na, I'm trying to keep everything in this mod as close to its real life counter part as possible. Personally I hate that I made the BFR smaller but 9m is just to large for stock KSP. It would probably fit better at five meters but I'm going to keep it at 7.5. I have no problem adding in tweakscale for 5m next update. Let me know if you would like that. I doubt I will ever add real plume. I don't use that mod as I'm more of a performance ended player. When I get to the point of customizing the emissive and exhaust configs. I may take a look at it if I feel I would like to add a little extra flare. I want my engines to make a popping noise when they burning. I haven't heard many engines in KSP sound like this but every time I watch I rocket video I an hear those flames popping/ whipping/ something...... I know what real plume is. It seems you know more about it than me. Take this opportunity and learn how to write up some configs up. Just look at some existing configs you like that are cool. Plus if use them you get your name put right by the download link with a big thanks. Just trying to inspire you to learn a little about modding.
  16. Darn it Elon. I will check it out. I will be re-visiting the engines at some point soon. Not at the top of the list, but its on it.
  17. Just finished setting up the configs. for the trunk and everything. Wont be able to balance everything until I make engines and finish the launcher.- You can play around with it if you download it off the master branch of my GitHub.
  18. Sure. Everything is also built so that you can use all these things without suffering from the famous KSP lag. I mean sure you can build a BFR with stock parts. But once you feel it with cargo what's your frame rate going to be at? probably like 5 .
  19. Finished the trunk and panel covers. Still need to texture the solar panels. Its been a minute since I have messed with them but I believe I have already set up the animation and everything else.
  20. Now she is almost complete- no bugs.... Missing the decoupler but ohh well.....
  21. Yep, it was lookin big time weird- good eye. I forgot to fix my normal map in Unity and it was causing a slight bug in the mesh. Much better now....
  22. Put my dragon trunk into the game for the first time.
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