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Everything posted by harrisjosh2711

  1. Going to try and finish up the Dragon1 trunk tonight. I have started on the BFR IVA as-well.
  2. I just applied for a job with SpaceX as an associate buyer. I'm still a year from graduation but I figured why not.
  3. I can tell you this- I got a taste of the new micro transaction system in shadow of war middle of earth. I played the game for one week and its the worst thing I have ever seen enter the video game industry. Not only have I lost all the internal reward from finding some, say rare artifact. But also lost all will to play the game at all. Worst $60 I ever spent. Their microtransaction system never got a single penny from my wallet nor will I ever play another game from Warner Brothers again. KSP is a type of game only certain people play. Micro transactions work great for say a game like- angry bird. When you start taking the reward away from games like say- Skyrim. People are not going to play your games as that is what they find fun about them. You can hack in slash in almost any game. Games that truly build a mass following aim to give players something unique.
  4. Took two science modules up into space- one for kerbin, the other for the mun. I had to re-launch once and reload once before finally figuring out when I decoupled the first payload it would dock to other every time. Darn things.... After getting the two science modules up a falcon heavy brought two newbies up to the kerbin station and Bob to the mun station. Sent a dragon1 to deliver some supplies to the kerbin station. Then I decided to play with some super unrealistic airplanes. Cruising at mach5. Not sure the limits of this beast. I lost a kerbal after the mark-1 disintegrated in a three engine version. Cockpit got to hot so I decided why not crash land on that island down there. This just didn't go well, while I'm checking out the aerodynamics my wings decide to disintegrate.
  5. I made that just because I wanted 2. Its based off a concept moon lander. I released it on this mod so people could play with it. I plan to move it to its own mod after I finish this project and start my new one. Which is probably still several months off.
  6. I'm not quite sure you would call that successful.
  7. cool, thanks. Love the mod by the way- usually one of my must haves.
  8. Whats up with the Thumb.db file that hides itself once installed. I cant even find it if I search for it. But I do know its there, hidden. Is that file necessary? it wasn't in previous versions. If not how can I delete it if it wont show up? Will it affect anything if I decide to stop using this mod?
  9. Did some playing around with my newly released BFR cargo. Dropped off a 74ton payload on the moon with full re-usability, no re-fueling in-situ. Left kerbin from highly eccentric orbit and full tanks after re-fueling in kerbin orbit. Had just enough fuel for the journey home.
  10. Sure I don't mind doing that. In the mean time check out the video by kottobos games on the front page. The only thing new after that video was made I believe is the new Dragon1 and the BFR pod's. The new Dragon1 looks pretty darn good though if you ask me. I doubt anyone has noticed- but the textures on the dragon1 are meant to sorta resemble a baseball. That was my whole idea behind the kerbal flair. I mean what flies over a hundred miles an hour an can take licks even harder? A Baseball Also, its really boring posting pics...... @RaiderMan I totally meant to use your BFR "bruce" reference for the cargo and forgot. I'm going to go ahead and change that in the repository so I wont forget next time.
  11. @RaiderMan quit messin with me. Wait.... you are messing with me right?
  12. Have you been able to get the hatch to work on the kerbalX v2? That's exactly why I started my spaceX mod because the hatch doesn't work and the author stated that he isn't working on that mod anymore. Aside from the fact the license is all rights reserved. I don't believe the hatch can be fixed without the original files from the author, which is assuming he still has them.
  13. Just uploaded the latest release of Kerbalized SpaceX- BFR Cargo included.
  14. Moved the new textures over to the BFR cargo
  15. Yes- it has lights now. Its simply a slight distortion of the textures due to all the details being faked in-order to maintain a minimum amount of geometry. Not to mention its size relative to other KSP pods makes any imperfections that much more noticeable. What I mean is the windows aren't real- I drew them and then needed to lay them onto a curved surface. I tried un-wrapping my object several different ways but that was the least distorted I could get them. I had one final idea of un-wrapping those faces individually but decided it wasn't something that I found to particularly distracting. If I sit around trying to fix every imperfection I would never finish and would certainly never have time to actually fly the craft I spent days creating.
  16. @Bottle Rocketeer 500 much appreciated!- That was exactly what was looking for.
  17. Ok I have the BFR re-textured-
  18. Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't realize I let the angle drift so bad there.
  19. Well nothing SpaceX uses is hydrogen or currently plans to use hydrogen. But its pretty easy. Find a tank that holds relatively the same amount of "liquid fuel" the dragon V2 holds while you are using some fuel switch mod. then switch that tank to liquid hydrogen and write down the numbers. You then open up the JNH folder->parts->command->dragon2->kerbalizedDragonV2.cfg. Make sure you open dragon2 folder not the dragonV2 folder (the old dragonv2). Find these lines You will change the "propellant" to whatever the name for liquid hydrogen is (check an engine config or something) instead of liquid fuel. Depending on what mod you are using you may need to change the oxidizer as well. then go to resources and change the names and the number to the ones you wrote down from the tank earlier. I cant remember if you need to change the engine type. Just look at a hydrogen engine config. and it will tell you.- Its been awhile since I played with fuels.
  20. If you are talking about the BFR, that is because sheer size. It is designed to lift 150 tons to LKO with full re-usability. Every test I have run has fit the parameters of what Elon said the BFR would be capable of. If you were to stack tanks the same size as mine they would hold roughly the same amount of fuel. I didn't just pull the numbers out my butt. I'm not sure if SpaceX has specified exactly what fuel they will be using on the super dracos engines, I'm assuming it is RP-1 (liquid fuel). All I do know is the engines are hypergolic and non cryogenic. Meaning they mix substances to create combustion and its not methane or hydrogen. Having Cryogenic fuel that close to people wouldn't be safe, its highly toxic and super flammable. Not to mention all the weight you add to the pod to carry the necessary equipment to keep it chilled.
  21. What were you referring to about fuel capacity?
  22. @RaiderMan I thought we were talking about the windows on the BFR? Now were talking about fuel capacity? What are you talking about? Scratches head.......
  23. Cant say I'm really following what you mean. Have an example or something/more description?
  24. I need some input on the windows for the BFR. Do you like this style or the style that it has now( the bottom windows aren't done). Also, I should be able to make these light up without altering anything to much. NEW Old
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