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The Cuttlefish Empire

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Posts posted by The Cuttlefish Empire

  1. 9 hours ago, Mine_Turtle said:

    Indeed, KSP forum rules prevent me from distributing free content without restrictions. But they do not prevent me from making backups. Neither they prevent me from helping people, whose crafts will no longer load due to microchannel radiators missing from KSPI.

    technically, yes. but just because it isn't explicitly against the rules doesn't mean it's right.

  2. I have spent a good amount of time actually organising my thoughts for what I should do for the GPO remakes and not just makin stuff up as I go along like I did with the stock replacements, and I ended up with....a grand total of 32 planets to make. As such, since I know that not everyone can run that number, I will be making it an add-on pack. It will be bundled with the main IPP download, and you can install it if you choose.

  3. Well...one moon was extremely close to another, and the moon of the other moon (yes that's a thing) could very well have been swallowed and they nearly hit each other. When I tried to fly around in it, I kept being ejected from one SOI to enter another, and then again, and then again...not fun

    4 hours ago, GarrisonChisholm said:

    at least I know now that there really are no limits

    Well, there are unfortunately - my computer cannot handle any more planets (any more I try to install simply don't appear) and when loading it goes into cardiac arrest for a minute or two while it loads (which takes 6 minutes and 37 seconds)

    After it finally successfully loads, it crashes about once every two hours....which means I have to restart it quite a bit...
    Lesson to be learned: don't do what I do, kids

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