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Sky strato

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Everything posted by Sky strato

  1. Love this mod I just have one little Itsy problem i didnt tamper with anything I promise but when I pressed z to go full speed I though I would go to 1.6 x the speed of light it when to over 9000 times the speed of light leaving references out of the way it was closer to 900000 times anything?
  2. MMMMHHHHHMMMMM So the recommended maximum number of stars is 200 ok ok understood *clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick* ahhhhh and there we have it 1600 stars generating. my computer is soooooooo going to break! im so tempted to try it... |__ __| | _ \ | | | | | / ____| | | ___ | |_) | ___ | | __| | |_ _ | | __ ___ | |/ _ \ | _ < / _ \| |/ _` | | | | | | | |_ |/ _ \ | | (_) | | |_) | (_) | | (_| | | |_| | | |__| | (_) | |_|\___/ |____/ \___/|_|\__,_|_|\__, | \_____|\___/ __/ | |___/ *****Derp***** v0.3 Creation Date: 15:27:22 06-04-2017 Generation Mode: c Seed: 113 Galaxy Type: 1 Galaxy Age: 1 Cluster Number: 0 Planets: y Asteroids: y L to Y class (~Brown~): 178 M class (~Red~): 178 K class (~Orange~): 178 G class (~Yellow~): 178 F class (~Yellow-white~): 178 A class (~White~): 178 B class (~Blue-White~): 178 O class (~Blue~): 178 White Dwarves: 179 ----------------- 1602 Stars 2732 Planets 4085 Moons 663 Asteroids 9082 Total ----------------- Im going to do it... stand by for pic
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