Sorry for not posting in 2 weeks, but I was forced offline because of ISP-troubles. But since Squad did NOT put crippling DRM into KSP that makes an offline game unable to function without an online connection, I had quite some time on my hand to proceed with the mission.
Just shy of 55 m/s on dead flats, I think I maxed it at 60-ish on a slight downhill slope in the desert. In your average grasslands I could do speeds around 25 m/s to 30 m/s.
We left off here:
The inevitable happens about at about a third of the way:
We even lose the wheel alltogether, and we fly in a spare.
But my inexperience with KIS/KAS keeps me from making a repair. In retrospect, driving closer to the plane might have done the trick...
The loss of a wheel was deemed acceptable in the end, and so the mission goes on on nine wheels.
Anyway, to make a long story short, they did it, even with Valentinas reckless speeding. Mission clock read 14 days, 4 hours, 45 minutes and 38 seconds, a lot of which was spend on water, even if water was only a small portion of the way. The reactor was at a power setting of 3 percent, delivering 15 EC/s, using 0.02 Units of Enriched Uranium. The path is what I imagine pretty much the standard for a manual equatorial-ish circumnavigation with minimum water on the way:
I put some more pics in the album, they don't need to go all here bloating the post.