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Everything posted by zack2014

  1. Bug report: The S2 Fuselage with LFO reverts to a LF once you enter the flight scene.
  2. Just tried the 0.5m Mustang engine with the .ogg, no dice. I'm happy to do any Mac testing you need, just send me a PM.
  3. Hey Snjo, I've got a bug. I'm playing on a mac with the newest release, and there's no sound from any of your engines whatsoever. Solutions?
  4. Is it a Command pod too? Also, does it use the solid booster assist? Well, do we have the ability?
  5. I\'m pretty sure winrar doesn\'t work on OS X. not completely sure, but on the app store, there is a free program called the Unarchiver, and it\'ll work just the same. .rar\'s, .jar\'s, all sorts of stuff.
  6. Seems to me like it\'s your graphics card. I run nearly the same setup, but with a GeForce 8800 GX with 512 mb and it runs nicely. Lower your settings too
  7. I'm no a rather old iMac, with 4GB of RAM, and it does have some lag, especially with large rockets. But most of the time, I\'ve got no complaints
  8. And that is what we here like to call, the magic turbine, AKA the infiniglide bug. It\'s well known
  9. You\'re in the demo. You have to donate 15 USD to get the current version (.15.2) And I believe you\'re looking for a plugin called 'MechJeb', which isn\'t compatible with the demo version. BUT, there are plenty of mods that do. If it says 'Plugin' or '.15+' it won\'t work.
  10. Just saying, nobody brags about using MechJeb... They inform. Also, be nice? (BTW, why does it matter?)
  11. I think that\'s Tosh\'s FPS Pod, but it needs you to make your own part. I think it\'s just download the plugin, and rename the mk1 pod\'s cfg to FPS pod. Back it up!
  12. So how would we change this to be a different part in the .cfg? What would the parameters be? Nevermind, forgot I could look in the cfg file
  13. I wasn\'t entering yet, it was just for a reference, and I\'ll post a few screenshots in a minute. Apparently my dad closed Kerbal last night.
  14. I\'m flying a plane right now, and it\'s got 7 HOURS to MECO, so, can I just post a few screenshots showing that? I don\'t want to stare at a dark screen for 7 more hours. For reference, I am T + 21 minutes.
  15. Struts don\'t need decoupling. Fact , it\'s wasted effort to decouple them.
  16. This might be old, but whatever. I found a company called 'JP Aerospace' and they\'re approaching spaceflight the old fashioned way. BALLOOOOOONNNNSS! Discuss.
  17. You can\'t leave a craft in the air in atmosphere to control another one, it has to be settled with no velocity. And the big issue is the lag. Once you get within a certain distance, it\'s almost impossible to land on another craft. Believe me, I\'ve tried...
  18. What they meant was, if you have a previous version of Kosmos, you should get rid of them first, not your default parts
  19. Your control surfaces are wrong BTW. You\'ve got it like: _____ <------------- _ = control surface - = wing when you should have: <-------~~~~ ~ = control surface - = wing
  20. I\'m confused. Just saying, maybe you should look at google before posting a '747'? Because, honestly, that\'s not really anywhere near right... Not saying it\'s a bad plane, but it\'s not a 747. And a couple more pictures couldn\'t hurt.
  21. 1. To attach directly into a post, (not what you did) you\'re going to want to upload the pictures to an image hosting site, such as imgur or photobucket. Then you take the IMG code and put it in here where you want it. 2. You\'re going to want to compile a list of mods you used on this .craft. I\'m seeing Kosmos at least. And mechjeb.
  22. You might want to take one of those rudders off and make the other one central, to avoid unwanted yaw when rolling
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