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D. Düsentrieb

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  1. First of all, let me thank you very much for your work. I would like to ask you, if it is possible to have all the subcategories not shown open as a default. Best Regards, Daniel
  2. Thank you very much Mr. linuxgurugamer. Much respect for your work.
  3. That Bug is happening to me too (KSP 1.2.2). I've read in the changelog that this bug should be gone with the new version of TweakScale for KSP 1.3, but i want to stick a little bit with my modded KSP 1.2.2 Version. It happens when you shrink a Part and the MFT-Module is in that part present. If you shrink too much, the mass becomes negative and this breaks Physics. My Workaround: Don't shrink that much, so that the mass of this part becomes negative; check your MJ / KER for these changes in mass. I know this is suboptimal (and a little bit of a cheat, but i'm playing with RSS ...) but its ok for me till i update to 1.3 and this will begone hopefully. PS: see also http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/99956-wip-tweakscale-development-thread/&page=18#comment-2997401
  4. It's these little things in life that crosses your ways. Yesterday i thought "man, it's really time to check out if ksp is running on more than one screen". I've checked the internetz and what can i see ? Your clever idea. Thanks again, i really enjoy ksp now all the more. PS: i would mention (about the appropiate cables you need for your multi-monitor-setup) that you probably need at an active adapter, not a passive one...
  5. You've made my day! I've just tried it and it works beautiful. Thank you very much.
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