A recent poll showed that 60% of kerbals in the middle class are dissatisfied with their current means of transportation. Many of those who were polled had no way to reliably get from their house to an underwater base meeting or a meeting in a sky city within 5 days. Your job, as the head designer for a little-known company named KerbTekh, is to make a vehicle that can fly, swim, and take off a runway, all in one.
Objective: Make a vehicle that can fly, go underwater, and take off a runway, and is completely reusable (if going to Laythe or Eve, reusability is not required)
1: No mods allowed except for Kerbal Engineer. (Texture mods are obviously fine)
2: I'll take your word for proof, but pictures or videos would be great
3: There must be room for at least one kerbal.
4: No cheats of any kind. No debug menu, no anything like that.
can fly (10 pts) (required)
can go at least 5m underwater (5 pts) (required)
can take off from runway (5 pts) (required)
can land after flying without exploding (10 pts)
can break Mach one while flying (10 pts)
can break Mach two while flying (15 pts)
can go at a speed of over 10 m/s underwater (5 pts)
can go at a speed of over 20 m/s underwater (10 pts)
can go at a speed of over 30 m/s underwater (15 pts)
can go over 50 m/s underwater (25 pts)
done on Eve (60 pts) (no cheating to get there)
done on Laythe (150 pts) (no cheating to get there)
can go above altitude of 20K (10 pts)
can go above altitude of 30K (15 pts)
can reach space (10 pts)
can float (5 pts)
can sink (10 points)
sandbox mode (5 pts)
science mode (10 pts)
career mode (20 pts)
room for 1 kerbal (5 pts) (required)
room for 2 kerbals (10 pts)
room for 4 kerbals (20 pts)
room for 10 kerbals (30 pts)
can reach orbit (15 pts)
Under 10,000KG (15 pts)
Under 15,000KG (5 pts)
Over 80,000KG (5 pts)
Over 250,000KG (20 pts)
Bon chance!
Extra points may be awarded for a particularly creative design.
I'm trying to post a picture of my ship but Microsoft edge is being weird....
I'll get a picture up as soon as I can