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Everything posted by NewtSoup

  1. I have a couple of questions about the above. When circularising my orbit above Kerbin should I also be checking the inclination and if so what should it be at for the best transfer orbit to Mun? Often when I burn for the Mun I find the encounter is going to kick me up at around a 30-45 degree angle. Going for a capture burn at periapsis then puts me in a heavily inclined orbit around Mun. This is ok for tourists and small satellites when I have plenty of dV to spare but I'd like to do things more precisely. May I have some tips on getting a more equatorial orbit around Mun?
  2. Hurrr.. Maximising Science production in career mode is a pain. I can commit 60% at the moment.. So, I think I will do just that. I have 2.2 million funds right now. And loads of lucrative tourist missions availble
  3. Adding to my above post: I reset the strategy to 25% instead of 5% and now I see this - but given I'd see no science increase at all on 5% at mission debriefs I strongly suspect that all the (0) are actually nothing at all and that the science gained is rounded to nearest integer on this strategy making the actual cost per science point far more than the advertised 1 point per 12.8k funds advertised.
  4. I wonder if I can add a question to this thread as it's again to do with strategies. I set up "outsourced R&D" at 5% when it was available for a cost of ~76,000 funds. The description says "takes 5% funds" yields 1 rep for every 12.8k funds. But I've never seen any return on this even when it's deducted a total of much more than 12.8k? I assumed it would give me a fraction of a science point but it seems not. What's the best way to make oustourced R&D provide extra science from mission rewards?
  5. Yes. I have discovered the advanced tweakables and yes, I did know that putting more mass forward of the centre of thrust made the rocket more stable that's why I went back and made it a bit slightly more tallerer.
  6. Nice, fuel priorities is something I have to learn yet. But really I'm just a newbie at the game. Dozen or so orbit sand 1 Mun landing attempt in the tutorial sofar. I'm getting good a putting satellites into specific orbits though. I have a satellite of my own on a 45 degree inclination to pick up temp and pressure readings "above <altitude" contracts. I just store them and wait until it eventually rolls over a contract area.
  7. Well, I brought it all down including the S2 engines on the 4 parachutes.. seems they were fine for that mass.. had a gentle splashdown at 5.2 m/s I'm currently taking a second lot of 3 up and getting some of my Kerbonauts some extra experience... Has a nasty habit of spinning out after I jettison the thumpers though. I'm going to adjust the centre of mass a bit higher.
  8. You can? That's good to know.. but not when the pilot is an OKTO and all the Kerbals are Tourists as I've tried sending a tourist on EVA on orbital flights.
  9. At the moment I'm hitting Kerbin's atmosphere on the return journey with PE @43,000 and 3000 m/s so I'm doing aerobraking orbits .. extra fun for my 6 passengers. I have 311m/s of dV left so I'm going to re-jig the staging and have a go at soft landing this thing.
  10. I did, I picked the 300 point box for the seismic thingy. Then I used that to earn a further 180 points and I took miniaturisation and advanced control for the more powerful inline stabiliser and RCS thrusters. I will go for what you recommend next, thanks On a side note I also just discovered it's a good idea to remember to extend the solar panels as well. Once more, My Kerbsicles are on a no-return escape trajectory.
  11. Just found out that a good addition to WanderingKid's 6 Passenger Mun Lifter Orbiter is an antena. My passengers are now on a once in a life time escape trajectory out of Kerbin and heading out past Minmus. Time to revert I think :D. Also I had to build it out of 400 fuel tanks as I didn't have 800's but that's ok. A bit of extra strutting to be safe.
  12. Wow thanks :).. that's quite an interesting vehicle. If I don't use it in it's entirety I will most definitely use it for inspiration for my own craft! - do you mean 150-200 dV on S4? I think I will spend on RCS thrusters next.. I now have 184 science to spend so I just popped miniaturisation and advanced flight control for RCS thrusters This is my science car by the way.. I just keep adding to it as I get more science stuff and use it to milk everything I can from the local area
  13. Thanks guys. I'm a Scientist at heart. I'm going to pop Electronics for the Seismic doodad. I have a 2 passenger crew compartment already, it was in a 45 point. I can always send them up 2 at a time. Just need to build a decent lifter and Munship with what I have already.
  14. This is my science tree so far. I have 327 points to spend and my mission control is full of tourists wanting to orbit Mun, so I guess I'm going Munward with up to 6 passengers ( eventually . How would more experienced players recommend I spend my points?
  15. I had no idea you could trim the controls. I've found out how now. Thanks.
  16. Thanks, and that's ok. I didn't need the images to be altered, just for the forum post to not be so "splat" What you said was exactly the answer I was looking for.
  17. I'm late to the game and I realise the scoring is done but this looked fun and I thought I'd play anyway. This is my first attempt - a powered glider - 1/3 throttle in a gentle climb and hold and then a gentle 10 degree glide down before splashdown ( nothing broke ) An initial score of 762, I was stuck with only tier 3 tech in career mode. I realise I could have gone sandbox but I thought I'd try anyway. Pretty sure I can improve on this though as I didn't fly it anywhere near as well as I could have ( I left it to it's own devices for a half an hour at one point ) ( how do I make the images smaller in preview?)
  18. Thanks guys, sorry for the slow response. I spent most of yesterday evening working out how to put a satellite into a polar orbit of Kerbin out past the Mun. When I finally got there I realised I'd forgotten to put the required goo container on it lol. Ahh well it's all good practice :D. I will indeed go and post in the gameplay section now
  19. Hello there I'm Newtsoup aka Ruth, Just joined the game after many years of not buying it. Wish I had much earlier now. I'm a veteran of SWG, EVE, WoW, WAR, SWTOR, STO, Minecraft and many other games. One of the things I love most about this game is that it has a native linux client!. Very Very thankful for that. This is probably one of the most challenging games I've played in terms of you don't get it right first time unless you're really lucky!
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