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Everything posted by Reusables

  1. I will compare fresh install for 1.2.2 and update from 1.1.3 to 1.2.2. Can I report this as a bug if updated version has the wrong settings, or will it be intended behavior?
  2. Well then, it might be a bug in config system? I see. Thanks, it works!
  3. Wow, I didn't expect that this could be very confusing... (I shouldn'the chose a question) So I need to fix the cfg file, right? It might be because of me binding the wheel controls to ijkl.
  4. Thanks! EDIT: again, it seems that it's not the most accurate answer... So sorry about that;
  5. Thanks! I should consider downgrading then. EDIT: Well I got a better answer.
  6. I'm on windows, and I can't do that either. I'm in 1.2.2 too. It would probably be dependent on version. It might be one of the 'fixed' bugs... hmm... Anyone knows what's changed in 1.2.2?
  7. Hello, I saw several people moved surface attached parts far from their parent part, where offset limit would never allow. I want to know how to offset those parts. Is it just a trick, like node attached clipped parts which eliminates the limit? Or are they using mods? (I know there are mods for this; But I want to do it in stock)
  8. I know that only joint can be bent. Also I experimented with the panel, found out that it's much stronger than radially attached spider engines. So, are there other better ones for this?
  9. I made sure that there are no parts with autostrut on. The landing gear was on the stator ship, not the ship to bend. So, what part is the most flexible one?
  10. I want to make a part bent with swashplate in mind, but everytime I try it the parts just translates to the sideways. With some weight, it seems that it's easy to bend some of the parts. But it does not work like that when it's pushed by other ship. I think there were doors powered by landing gears, but I can't do that too. So how can I do this? Are there great part for bending? Good example would be great! (I'm playing version 1.2.2, so is the mechanics changed in 1.2?)
  11. Thanks, but I did several experiments for blade pitches with my craft, too. My main problem was that I can't control authrity on the both side in the same time, which resulted in unstable asymmetric flight. Also, I found that the ideal blade angle highly depends on drag, flight altitude and posture of the plane. For me the 45 degrees doesn't work well, and during takeoff(or VTOL mode) shallow angle works much better. On the other hand, steep angle works better on faster speed. For example my plane has 45 degrees as blade angle for takeoff, and gets steeper for faster speed. I think this holds for other planes like Rade_'s, too. (By steeper I mean closer to the backward)
  12. That's great plane! I didn't expect 200m/s+ to be possible, and you did it! About my prop engine, the amount of thrust was the problem in my case. To increase thrust, I need bigger props with less angle of attack. This made the engines too unstable, as it tends to be bent and penetrate throught the fairing. So I had to go with this design. Also the props already have too much drag, so I thought that drag by other parts are considerably small. In addition, this grants me room to dock the props. I couldn't come up with any other way to do that. And there's shielded docking ports... Well... That's because I want to dock it somewhere I found out that they are not too draggy in subsonic speed with comparison experiment, but it could have some flaws.
  13. Thanks for the answer and tips! Well, I thought I was wrong about the speed, since the first try gives around 70m/s on the altitude. And then, after the refined attempt... I got 166m/s. (Please ignore the poor aesthetics of the plane; ) There was one problem: The props broke over 170m/s.
  14. To add, it can be fixed by giving the wings more pitch. This makes sure that the AoA of the props don't go negative. I managed to get 10k altitude and 140m/s max speed with a 40t commercial aircraft, can't post the picture right now. Lift decreases too fast over there, so I couldn't fly over there. I have a question: What's the most flexible part in ksp? I want to control the pitch of props. But it only allows 2 modes of angles...
  15. I tried it. Just found out that the ones with more pitch generates negative lift, which makes the props useless. (net lift became 0)
  16. Well I know that, the problem is that I want more than 3 pitch angles.
  17. Hello! I was developing some propeller plane, and encountered a problem with stability. When plane goes too fast, rotation speed decreases relative to the forward speed, decreasing the AoA of propeller elevons to negative causing unstable lift. It seems that the only solution is changing pitch of propellers. So, are there a way to have 3 pitch angles? Any way will be great if it is stable and reliable. Perhaps some small rotors could be configured for this? Or, is it possible to let landing struts push parts in the same ship? This doesn't work when I tried... Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!
  18. I'd fix it, it does seem to be one of the problem. Thanks for pointing that! I didn't know that it works that way. So it was one of the 'bugs' which is fixed on 1.0? That's interesting.
  19. Maybe this is something straightforward, but it was found out that same form factors doesn't matter with drags. http://imgur.com/a/IGdX4 Though this might not be accurate experiment, this means that I should redesign my engine...
  20. Hmm, so the wings and engines are both the problem.. Anyway, I did some experiment on decoupled part in the fairing. http://imgur.com/a/adkuh So the fairing seems to work fine even with decoupled parts. Now I should experiment on decoupled parts with same form factors...
  21. Thanks for the great tip, I really didn't know that the hull had that much drag. (I thought it had some kind of lift, but it certainly isn't ) I didn't expect the shorter cone to be better. About sweeping the engine.. I already tried that, but it wasn't effective enough. Thanks for providing basic rules for reducing drag! I might have overlooked some of them.. Especially with wings. (Although, I want to make mk3 parts to fly, for something like economy-class passenger plane, and eve rocket transporter) I think I should post some photos of my craft, so that further investigation would be possible. Some more potential problems I could find was: 1. If the rotor is not occluded with the stator cylinder, then it'll be definitely producing much drag. I might have to try to reduce drag of those parts. 2. Part of the rotor is located in the fairings, but there is certain possibility that it does not protect the separated rotor parts. In this case, the rotor should be redesigned thoroughly, I think. I might have to make one out of aerodynamic cones. 3. The most of the wing parts including swept wing to hold wheels and sloped wings would not be needed. I'll try to experiment on 1 and 2. If there is some more problems I couldn't catch, please let me know!
  22. Hello! I was designing a new prop. plane, which included a structural component(small cubic one) to hold a engine. So it files, but there seems to be one problem: speed. (It can't beat 50~60m/s ) I know that proplanes can't have very fast speed. The problem is, there is similar proplane I made which is much more faster. this one seems to be slower even with bigger thrust. The only differences I saw was: 1. The slower one used structural component to hold engines. 2. The slower one has bigger wings for prop. engine, which might have bigger drag. 3. The slower one has shorter cone, which would be more draggy. So how can I reduce drag in this situation? Are there some great techniques to reduce drag? If there is, please let me know and it'll be greatly appreciated! + Also I'd like to know which structural part with node attachment? This is necessary to offset parts far enough.
  23. Thanks to _Rade's technic, I got my quadprop passenger plane to lift off. This certainly needs many improvements, but I'm already satisfied with its flight.
  24. I think that even though it is often denoted as future, VR won't be useful in this case (perspective). Looking through the devices, there seems to be two categories of VR, which might look alike each other but thoroughly different as market (or platform). One is heavy VR which incorporates built-in processors as shown here, and the other is light VR which provides 3d display for mobile devices. Although heavy VR is more high-tech product and innovatory, it is expensive product which takes much time to be feasible. So there's high possibility that it just remains as niche product. On the other hand, light VR is affordable with a few tens of dollars. Although it has some problems such as low resolution, its low price and portability will be enough to compensate it like smartphones. Also, its portability and accessibility can easily enable the creative use of the 3D capability, which would grow into 'killer apps'. So they are essentially different. Though the former is more advertised and getting more attention, I think the latter is on higher potential and eventually take over the former. In KSP's case, the computationally expensive experience only fits in heavy VR, thus it would be niche to support VR.
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