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Everything posted by Geek0saurus

  1. Since no one posted his space stations yet, i'll start with mine It is not very big I know, but it might help set the pace a little. I'll put the video here so you can see it (at the end of the video), but also how I put it into orbit if you find it interesting. I'm curious as to what you guys can come up with! Space Station (not huuuuge, but biggest I made so far)
  2. Damn what you did sounds awesome! If I have a stranded/crashed or damaged spacecraft at one point or another and I think I can save it, i'll try doing a rescue mission on it, because rescue missions are just so cool and add some story in it as well
  3. Parts 3 and 4 are also to be found on YouTube, as well as part 5 being uploaded right now. The content starts being more advanced in 1 or 2 videos! Further exploration of Kerbin! First encounters with the Mün Currently working on a Duna rover base (movable science lab) and a first SSTO maybe (still working on the craft file in sandbox) Is there anything special you guys would like to see?
  4. Allright! Here is part 2! KSP: Easy missions and gathering science!
  5. Thank you all for your feedback. I see now more clearly all the things I do wrong, and it's a lot more than I tought. I started youtubing 1,5 months ago and I see that every one of my vids is better than the one before, but indeed I still have a super long way to go and you guys accelerated my improvement process. Bad news is that I already made 8 episodes of the series and I see now that most people will find the 5-6 first episodes boring and repetitive. I didn't really prepare the first episodes because I tought they were mostly a grindy part that one had to go through. I was wrong and should have made them more special. In the later episodes I do plan my missions and try them out first and I cut way more than in the first episodes. On mission 8 for example, I went from 3h30 of footage for the mission to approx. 25min, so I think it will be way more interesting to watch. I'm really curious about what you will think about the later missions. Unfortunately as you mentioned, I might have failed at retaining the attention of people who watch the videos. I think i'm going to work like this for now: i'll upload 1 video every 2 days of the vids I have and in the meanwhile i'll buy a mic and try to get my sound right. Hopefully by episode 9 you will see a big improvement if you are still around. Thank you all for making me understand why I only have 10 subscribers in 1,5 months, I now realize that I need to get way more quality in my content (read: cut a excrementston of stuff out). Cheers!
  6. First of all, thank you very much for your feedback. What you state is indeed true and I should indeed change all that. I'm going to invest in a better microphone once I get the money for it (a bit short atm). Furthermore, I indeed saw that stock career starts are quite common on youtube, but I can't really start with big base missions in career mode without giving some context about why i'm doing stuff. The first episodes are kind of the backstory of everything. The "solution" i'm trying to use at the moment is only mensioning (Ep.X) at the end of the video title and to start with the content of the video, so that the backstory (the series) becomes less important that the missions themselves. For the first 6 episodes it's more backstory and after that I think i'll try going with titles like "KSP: Mun Space Station build in 3 launches | KSP Stock 1.3 | Career mode playthrough (Ep.8)" or something similar. In the end the "episodes" will be kind of optional. Anyway, I will try to find a niche like you said, but it is not easy with all the youtubers playing the game already. At the moment SSTO's and reusable rockets are kind of "hot right now", but i'm not there yet. Anyway thank you very much for the feedback, I will keep it in mind!
  7. Hi everyone! I'm Geek0saurus, a starting youtuber (for fun). Over the last months I've been growing more and more into Kerbal Space Program. Because of this, I wanted to make a full playthrough of the career mode with missions, objectives and fun stuff. For this, I could maybe use the help of the community, since I will need a lot of feedback and maybe we can share ideas of bases and things like that. The idea of this thread is to share my journey into our beloved solar system with you and maybe let it become "our" journey All feedback is appreciated and welcomed and I cannot wait to hear any ideas of base designs you would have to share! The first introduction to my journey can be found in the following youtube video. Hope you enjoy it! Introduction to Kerbal Space Program | Career mode
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